Tomorrow is New
Hello Everyone,
Alright, so this is my first blog post ever and I'm both excited and nervous at the same time. I'm excited because I'm finally doing something I've always thought about and wanted to do, but never done. I'm nervous because...well let's face it, by doing this I'm putting myself out there in a unique and vulnerable way. I have a Facebook, Instagram, Pintrest, and just by existing, I'm facing being rejected or loved or both, but blogging is different. It is an avenue to put my thoughts and heart out there in a way that other social media doesn't fully allow. Sure, on Facebook I can write notes or post a very lengthy status, but not a lot of people take the time to read those (don't know how many will read this either, though that's not the point), but when someone goes to someone's blog they expect longer, more thought out pieces of someone's opinions and feelings. I'm nervous because who knows what you will have to say about this blog, but despite the little part of that's nervous I'm not going to let that stop me. I'm mostly excited to see how God will use little old me to further His kingdom via the blogging world. I'm, also, looking forward to reading your comments and discussing life with you, both my problems and if you wish to share, your own.
So, I guess I'll start out this blogging adventure of mine by sharing a few of my thoughts on the reason behind my blog name. We all know, logically, that tomorrow is a new day, but how many of us actually live by this truth, fully grasp what it means by God's grace, mercies, and love being fresh each and every day (Lamentations 3: 22-23). I know I, personally, don't always live by this, but I try my best to focus on it and when I do, let me tell you guys, that my days are spent with much more unspeakable joy and peace. I mess up and I fail Him DAILY, but if I choose to wallow in my guilt and self pity what good does that do?! It does no one good, but Satan...he thrives on thinking he has won, which is why we need to embrace the fact that God is greater than all our fears and failures and loves us despite them! If we let our sin and shame consume us we will be wasting our precious time here on this earth that we have been given and we have no idea how much time we have left! It could be 60 seconds, 60 minutes, 60 weeks, 60 months, or 60 years...we honestly have no idea when our time will be up so let's not waste it!
Now let me make it clear that I'm not suggesting that we can't be sad, or mad, or afraid, or guilty for things we've done wrong, etc. but it's when we let those feelings take over us and weigh us down that is when it becomes a problem. We are humans and God knows that...He doesn't expect perfection or for us not to feel things. We need to embrace our feelings, acknowledge them so we can move on and be free. "Can anyone of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" Matthew 6:27 Although, the verse is referring to worrying, it can, also, apply to the other feelings I previously mentioned. God wants us to live with joy and peace and enjoy this life He has given us to the fullest.
I have been a Christian ever since I was four years old and was blessed enough to grow up in a Christ focused home as well as have many friends and extended family who share my belief. I, also, work at a place where most everyone is a fellow brother or sister in Him. He has blessed me beyond measure in this area of my life and many others and I'm SO grateful and humbled. However, I have had my share of times that I haven't been as close to God as I should be, but I will say I never, for one minute, doubted His existence in my life and I know for a fact, that He has and never will, leave me! I'm sure some of you may not have known Christ your whole life, maybe have very few Christian friends or family members, or maybe not even share my belief, but I can assure you, He loves you just as much as He does me and others who have been Christians almost their entire lives. He died to set you free and is seeking a personal relationship with you! No matter where you are at in your walk with Him or where you are at in your spiritual journey know this, you were created with a purpose. A purpose to know Him and to give Him ALL the glory and praise He deserves. He has a plan for you and has ever since before you were born. "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" Jeremiah 29:11 "For you created my inmost being; knit me together in my mother's womb" Pslam 139:13 He is the Creator of the universe yet wants to have a relationship with us and not a relationship based purely on fear and sacrifice, but a personal relationship based on love, grace, and mercy. We are called to live our lives in service for Him and to fear Him in reverence, but He is like no other god, He is THE God of the universe.
With this in mind, we have every reason to live life to the fullest and to live like this could be the last second we are alive on earth. I don't want to live life full of regrets and I want more than anything for Him to look at me when I see Him face to face and say to me, "well done" and that He's pleased with how I lived my life. One of my New Year's resolutions is to live more like I'm dying and less like I have all the time in the world to spend here. This is not my Home, my Home is Heaven and although there are a few places down here that I call home and where I feel at peace and safe, it's not my eternal Home and I need to remember that.
Now, for those of you reading this that may not share my faith or may feel intimated by how long I've been saved by grace or how many Bible verses I quoted, etc. I beg you not to dismiss any future posts because I'm just human and all the good in me is God shining through. My whole being yearns for Him to shine so bright that others see Him and not me, but that's not always the case and even when it is, it's ALL Him doing it, I'm just the vessel. So, please, don't disregard this blog as something that doesn't apply to you because I believe it does. Though you don't HAVE to continue reading my blog (I won't know nor would I be hurt if I did), it's entirely up to you. I know that I can go on and on sometimes and I'm really not that interesting in general, but I do believe that what I have to say is relevant to believers in Christ and nonbelievers as well because I'm no better than the next person...I'm just an average young lady who happens to have the light of Christ in me. :)<3
Ok, so I think I've gone on long enough for one post (I hope this all makes sense and that I didn't make too many grammatical errors) I hope you got something out of this and if not, I did myself by just writing it, so it's all good! haha!
I hope you all have a wonderful and beautiful weekend!
Until next time!
Alright, so this is my first blog post ever and I'm both excited and nervous at the same time. I'm excited because I'm finally doing something I've always thought about and wanted to do, but never done. I'm nervous because...well let's face it, by doing this I'm putting myself out there in a unique and vulnerable way. I have a Facebook, Instagram, Pintrest, and just by existing, I'm facing being rejected or loved or both, but blogging is different. It is an avenue to put my thoughts and heart out there in a way that other social media doesn't fully allow. Sure, on Facebook I can write notes or post a very lengthy status, but not a lot of people take the time to read those (don't know how many will read this either, though that's not the point), but when someone goes to someone's blog they expect longer, more thought out pieces of someone's opinions and feelings. I'm nervous because who knows what you will have to say about this blog, but despite the little part of that's nervous I'm not going to let that stop me. I'm mostly excited to see how God will use little old me to further His kingdom via the blogging world. I'm, also, looking forward to reading your comments and discussing life with you, both my problems and if you wish to share, your own.
So, I guess I'll start out this blogging adventure of mine by sharing a few of my thoughts on the reason behind my blog name. We all know, logically, that tomorrow is a new day, but how many of us actually live by this truth, fully grasp what it means by God's grace, mercies, and love being fresh each and every day (Lamentations 3: 22-23). I know I, personally, don't always live by this, but I try my best to focus on it and when I do, let me tell you guys, that my days are spent with much more unspeakable joy and peace. I mess up and I fail Him DAILY, but if I choose to wallow in my guilt and self pity what good does that do?! It does no one good, but Satan...he thrives on thinking he has won, which is why we need to embrace the fact that God is greater than all our fears and failures and loves us despite them! If we let our sin and shame consume us we will be wasting our precious time here on this earth that we have been given and we have no idea how much time we have left! It could be 60 seconds, 60 minutes, 60 weeks, 60 months, or 60 years...we honestly have no idea when our time will be up so let's not waste it!
Now let me make it clear that I'm not suggesting that we can't be sad, or mad, or afraid, or guilty for things we've done wrong, etc. but it's when we let those feelings take over us and weigh us down that is when it becomes a problem. We are humans and God knows that...He doesn't expect perfection or for us not to feel things. We need to embrace our feelings, acknowledge them so we can move on and be free. "Can anyone of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" Matthew 6:27 Although, the verse is referring to worrying, it can, also, apply to the other feelings I previously mentioned. God wants us to live with joy and peace and enjoy this life He has given us to the fullest.
I have been a Christian ever since I was four years old and was blessed enough to grow up in a Christ focused home as well as have many friends and extended family who share my belief. I, also, work at a place where most everyone is a fellow brother or sister in Him. He has blessed me beyond measure in this area of my life and many others and I'm SO grateful and humbled. However, I have had my share of times that I haven't been as close to God as I should be, but I will say I never, for one minute, doubted His existence in my life and I know for a fact, that He has and never will, leave me! I'm sure some of you may not have known Christ your whole life, maybe have very few Christian friends or family members, or maybe not even share my belief, but I can assure you, He loves you just as much as He does me and others who have been Christians almost their entire lives. He died to set you free and is seeking a personal relationship with you! No matter where you are at in your walk with Him or where you are at in your spiritual journey know this, you were created with a purpose. A purpose to know Him and to give Him ALL the glory and praise He deserves. He has a plan for you and has ever since before you were born. "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" Jeremiah 29:11 "For you created my inmost being; knit me together in my mother's womb" Pslam 139:13 He is the Creator of the universe yet wants to have a relationship with us and not a relationship based purely on fear and sacrifice, but a personal relationship based on love, grace, and mercy. We are called to live our lives in service for Him and to fear Him in reverence, but He is like no other god, He is THE God of the universe.
With this in mind, we have every reason to live life to the fullest and to live like this could be the last second we are alive on earth. I don't want to live life full of regrets and I want more than anything for Him to look at me when I see Him face to face and say to me, "well done" and that He's pleased with how I lived my life. One of my New Year's resolutions is to live more like I'm dying and less like I have all the time in the world to spend here. This is not my Home, my Home is Heaven and although there are a few places down here that I call home and where I feel at peace and safe, it's not my eternal Home and I need to remember that.
Now, for those of you reading this that may not share my faith or may feel intimated by how long I've been saved by grace or how many Bible verses I quoted, etc. I beg you not to dismiss any future posts because I'm just human and all the good in me is God shining through. My whole being yearns for Him to shine so bright that others see Him and not me, but that's not always the case and even when it is, it's ALL Him doing it, I'm just the vessel. So, please, don't disregard this blog as something that doesn't apply to you because I believe it does. Though you don't HAVE to continue reading my blog (I won't know nor would I be hurt if I did), it's entirely up to you. I know that I can go on and on sometimes and I'm really not that interesting in general, but I do believe that what I have to say is relevant to believers in Christ and nonbelievers as well because I'm no better than the next person...I'm just an average young lady who happens to have the light of Christ in me. :)<3
Ok, so I think I've gone on long enough for one post (I hope this all makes sense and that I didn't make too many grammatical errors) I hope you got something out of this and if not, I did myself by just writing it, so it's all good! haha!
I hope you all have a wonderful and beautiful weekend!
Until next time!
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