Are you in-love with Jesus?

Did you know it’s possible to be in-love and not know it? Well let me tell you, it 100% is. You might think it’s just something in the movies and books, but no folks it’s real.
If you can’t stand to be apart from the said person and when you are, it feels like years before you see them again, even if some of those times are only like 15 minutes. If you wish they were there to experience almost everything with you and are sad that they aren't and are constantly thinking to tell him/her about this or that. If you can’t go a day without thinking about them and almost every love song brings them to mind. If this person can cheer you up by just being in the room. If the only thing you want to talk about with your friends is him/her and you have to hold back half the time so you aren’t annoying. If this person is so much a part of who you are that you sometimes find yourself talking or arguing with them in your head and once you realize you are doing it you, also, realize the conversation/argument was to a “T” what would be said in real life and it makes you feel ALMOST like her/she was there. If you can’t imagine life without this person and the thought of it makes you depressed and you know if something ever happened to him/her you’d be losing a part of yourself. If you can say yes, to all or at least some of the above and more, than you my friend, need to stop lying to yourself…you are in-love or at least have a huge crush and saying you don’t isn’t going to change me I know what I'm talking about.

It’s pretty easy to tell who has a thing for who even when they seem oblivious to it themselves, right? It really is not that hard. Well, let me ask you this, could people looking at you, tell you're in-love with Jesus? Being in-love with God is just as real of a thing as being in-love with another person and it should show just as much! We should be able to apply almost all the things I mentioned in the above paragraph to our relationship with Jesus…some in a slightly different form, but it counts. God should be even more important to us than our “other half” You should be so in-love with Him that your partner in life has to seek Him in order to fully know who you are. You should have dates with Jesus where you pray and study His Word and you should be EXCITED to do this and not have a time limit on it; it shouldn't just be another thing to do in your crazy schedule. No matter what you "need" to do in any given day, God needs to come first! If He doesn't your day is likely to not be as fulfilling and is more likely to be stressful and go haywire. Whenever I start my day off by praying and/or reading His word I can tell the difference in my attitude and my outlook on the entire day. Even if it's just a couple verses or a simple prayer thanking God for waking you up this morning it's going to change your day. Just like in relationships with other people, if you don't take the time to continue to get to know the person and grow your relationship, it's not going to be fulfilling for you or the other person. You should be so in-love with Christ that your whole being just radiates it just like when you are in-love with another person. It should make you feel giddy and have an overwhelming sense of joy for "no reason at all." This might sound crazy, but once you experience it yourself, you'll understand.

Look, you might be thinking it's hard to make time for other people and more often yourself, let alone "find time" for God, but hey, think about it this way; He is your SAVIOR, your CREATOR, the God of the UNIVERSE, it shouldn't be that you have "make time" for Him it should be the other way around, that you have to make time for other things! I'm not saying let your life and the people in it, fall by the way side while you sit in your room everyday studying the Bible, but an occasional day like that wouldn't hurt. No matter who you are and what your life is like you can make time for God the question isn't can you, it's will you? I know how life can's crazy sometimes (I worked over 30 hours this weekend which is why I didn't have time to blog), but if you put God first, everything will fall into place, NOT everything will be easy, but it will all work out in HIS timing and in HIS way.

You may not be in-love with a guy or a girl, but I truly hope this post finds you in-love with Jesus because there is nothing greater in this world than that; but if not, seek Him, study His Word, talk to Him, He's waiting to have a relationship with YOU!

I hope you all had a beautiful weekend and are having a great day!
Until Next Time!


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