Our Influence


So I'm sure most of you have heard of Justin Bieber's arrest this morning and if not, he was arrested for drag racing, DUI, resisting arrest, and driving with an expired driver's license, and after being arrested it was found out that he had been smoking marijuana and had taken drugs. Don't worry, I'm not writing this post to bash Justin, but his poor decisions lately have had me thinking about how sad it is that he's in the lime light and could choose to be a positive influence on people and instead he's setting a bad example. It's even more sad considering he's publicly stated that he's a born-again Christian and although we all make mistakes and I'm not saying he's a completely horrible person it does make me think about the influence I'm making on those around, despite the fact that I'm not famous. He has gotten away with stuff that he shouldn't have because he's famous and I think that's wrong and probably not helping him grow or learn from his mistakes, but enough about Justin let's focus on us and our influence.

No matter if your a Christian or not, you will make an influence on those around you, no matter if you want to or not and you can choose what kind you are going to make. We are only humans, so even if you strive to put a positive mark on this world, we all fail at one point or another and that's OK! I'm not saying keep making mistakes and not try and change because you are human and will make mistakes, but try not to stay focused on the wrong you've done in past and instead on the good you can do in the future!

"You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill can not be hidden." As Christians we are called to shine His light for the world to see. We are not only meant to not conform to this world, but we are called to be set apart and to live so others can see that there is something different and want it. I'm not here to tell you exactly how that should look because for each of us it's slightly different. It's not my place to tell you how to live your life, but I will say that we need to be conscious of how we represent ourselves and Christ to the world because it does make a difference. We may not see or know every area in which we are touching lives and sometimes I wish I could be at my funeral to know what people have to say about my life when I'm gone, but that's not possible so I must live this life like I'm dying and as if the words I say to everyone are the last ones I will say to them. I want others to look at my life and KNOW that I'm set apart and that I'm here for a purpose and that purpose is to be Love to those around me.

So what's the influence you're making on the world? Are there areas you need to change?...if you answer no to that second question then you are in serious trouble my friend, because we ALL have areas we need to change...some are more noticeable to those around us, but regardless, we all struggle with sin, but we, as Christians, have the power of Christ in us to conquer that sin! Isn't that AMAZING and SO COOL?! I think it is and am SO thankful that God chose me to be His princes!

Have a wonderful day!
Until Next Time!

P.S. My lovely, roommate wanted to make a public announcement to never put your face directly above a popcorn bag that just came out of the microwave when you open it...apparently it's really hot. ;P


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