

So, this has been on my mind a lot lately, and although I just posted a few minutes ago, I feel I need to post this now or I never will.

If you are friends with me at all, you probably know music is a HUGE part of my life and my all time favorites, I'll defend like I know them personally, weird maybe, but it's true. You'll probably, also, know that my favorite band is DAUGHTRY and one of my favorite male artists is Adam Lambert (both of whom I want to see SO bad this summer)!! I have seen Chris before and have seen Adam as well, but I've never seen DAUGHTRY and I'm a huge enough Glambert that I'd see Adam far more than just twice, and plus he's touring with QUEEN!!

You probably are wondering where in the world I'm going with this, and I might loose some readers because of it, but I feel I have to get this off my chest. I'm sure, most of you know, even if you're not a big music person that Adam Lambert is gay...quite gay...I mean I've gotten very useful makeup tips from him via interviews of his on YouTube for goodnes sakes! Now, I'm not saying I feel his lifestyle is bibically right or that I agree with it, nor would I go protesting for gay rights or anything like that, but I do respect him as a person and commend him for being himself, no matter who judges him or what people may say about him.

It makes me sad when people hear his name and cringe and are revolted by him just because he's "out there." He's a very nice guy, with a heck of a lot of talent that I wish he was using for the glory of God, because ultimately that's what we're all here for, but he's not, and I, personally, don't see that happening anytime in the near future. That doesn't stop me from praying for him, or make me any less of a fan of his music...his personal life is his business and his salvation is between him and God so what right do I or anyone else have to judge him for how he chooses to live his life?

When I was trying to get people to go with me to his concert in Boston this summer many people immediately were turned on by the idea of Queen, but the moment Adam's name was brought into the mix they changed their minds...now I'm not judging, it's their choice and it's fine, but it made me kinda sad since most of them were fellow believers and it's not like they are against secular music it's just him because he's gay and wears outlandish outfits, that personally, I find quite cool. haha! What message is that giving to non believers, gay or otherwise? We are called to love others as Christ loves us and that includes all people, no matter how strongly we are against their personal decisions.

Now, this isn't just about Adam Lambert, I have friends who are gay/lesbian and I'm a huge fan of the show The Fosters about a lesbian couple who have 5 kids (four of which were previously in the foster care system). I know what the Bible says about marriage being between a man and a woman and if I ever felt myself attracted to a woman in that way I wouldn't act on it because I believe God's ways are best and I choose to follow Him even when I don't fully understand the why; that said, it's not my place to judge other people and I will choose to show His love to those around me despite how they live their lives and who they love.

It is ultimately about who we are as people underneath it all that counts, we all live in sin, some is just more noticeable to those around us then others, but that doesn't mean that they are any less of a person than someone who is better at hiding their faults.

If anyone is reading this that I've spoken to about Adam Lambert or their stance on gay marriage recently, non of this post is meant to "attack" you or your beliefs this is purely how I feel on the subject and being a huge Glambert, a fan of The Fosters, having friends who are gay/lesbian, and since this matter is a huge debate in the Christian community and otherwise, I figured it was about time I posted on the subject.

I could say quite a bit more, but I have somewhere I need to be so I'll leave this as is for now and maybe add a paragraph or two at a later time. If you feel compelled to debate this with me I'm open, so feel free to comment below.

Until Next Time!


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