It's All About Perspective


As I said in that last little post I have more to share! :)

As the title summarizes, it's all about perspective guys...and girl!s lol I came up with this topic when my boss was telling this guy about the group this weekend being about 130ish people and the guy acted like that was a big deal, and was shocked when we acted like it wasn't...(which it isn't really) and the reason? Well in the summer we serve over 400 people, 6 days a week (we all get one day off a week) so, therefore, 130ish for 2 days is NOTHING!!

I got to thinking, and really most anything, if put into perspective, can be made better. I tend to live by this myself and I can tell you first hand, that it works. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there. Maybe you are a very positive person yourself, which if so, then GREAT for you, but still, it doesn't hurt to be reminded to do so every now and then...God knows I need it!

It could almost always be worse so I try hard to think of the worse scenario whenever I get frustrated, discouraged, sad, etc. For example, when I'm complaining about having "nothing to eat", I remind myself that there are people who literally have nothing to eat and are starving...that term has become so over used and I can't stand it. We, in general, here in the US are not literally starving, yet we say we are ALL THE TIME!!...and while I know it's just an expression and I, myself, have used it before on occasion, it's so not true. We are beyond blessed and even when I have no food that I WANT to eat I have food I CAN eat and have never been super hungry for a very long length of time, for which I'm grateful. This, also, goes for when I find myself wishing I had more space to put stuff, or have a long day at work, or annoyed with the snow, or traffic, reality,  these things can all suck, but if we put them into perspective and realize things could be worse, it doesn't seem like such a big deal anymore. God, always, seems to find a way to remind me of this, for which I'm very grateful!

Another thing I tell myself is that it's always going to get better...if my day is going not as I planned it, and by our human terms, going completely terrible, I remember that tomorrow is a new day and there is always a rainbow after the storm! Not only that, but honestly, this world is temporary, and in the scheme of things, so little of this life "matters." Really, think about it. Eternity in Heaven is going to be WAY greater than our wildest imaginations, and  while this life is hard, and at times incredibly challenging, it is, but, a fleeting moment in the end, and I'm SO thankful for that! Aren't you?

So let's live with perspective and the truth that tomorrow is new as well as find the joy in the little things!

I hope you had a beautiful weekend!
Until next time!


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