The Jesus Fan Club

Hi All,

I'm not one of those people who make fan accounts for my favorite artists or TV shows or one who watches certain shows because the actors/actresses are gorgeous, but when it comes to Jesus, I'd definitely say I'm that girl. I'm not saying, there is anything wrong with doing those things, but in general, I don't have time, or care enough about celebrities, to do that. Sure, there are certain people, I keep up with more and "freak out," when they come out with new music, books, shows, etc, but that's not the biggest part of my life...not even close. 

This topic came to mind this weekend, because Friday night I spent a number of hours watching Adam Lambert, interviews, stalking some of his fan accounts, and listening to the new music he had released; all of which I'm not ashamed of! haha! I'm a huuuge Glambert, as I believe, I've mentioned before, but really, I rarely do that, with him or anyone else. I'm one of those passionate fans that'd defend their reputation, buy their books and music, go to their concerts, and watch their shows, but I don't know their birthdays, how many siblings they have, what they ate for lunch yesterday, etc. Again, I'm not judging those who do that, but it's not me. However, when I was gushing over him to a friend of mine, she kind of teased me, which is fine, but it made me wonder about if the way I was gushing over Adam, was the same way I rave about Jesus.

Another thing that brought this to mind, was I re-mentioned to my best friend that I had a blog (he had somehow forgotten this about me) and he asked how many followers I have, and when I told him, typically about 15-20, he laughed....I told him, that the blog wasn't just for other people, it was, also, for me, and plus, I'm not doing this to become famous, I'm doing it to encourage others, and hopefully make Jesus, just a little more famous. This made me think in terms of how big of fan of Jesus am I really. Am I just as passionate about Him as I am about celebrities, or am I more? I came to the conclusion, that I am more than just a passionate fan, I'm a DIE HARD fan! However, then it made me wonder if that's how I am coming across to the world around me, or if I could be shining for Him more than I do. I don't, fully, know the answer on that question, but, honestly, I don't think I could ever shine for Him enough, so in the end, it's all about perspective.

It's not just about being a fan of Jesus though, it's also about being a follower. You can wave your Jesus pom-poms all you want, wear T-Shirts, and have a dozen copies of the Bible, but that doesn't make you a true follower of Jesus. You need to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. I know that is a very overused cliche, but it's true. If you are a fan of certain celebrities, but you don't ever post about it, don't follow them on any social media, or never mention your love for their gifts to anyone, than you are just a fan, not a follower...and when it comes to Jesus, I want to, 100%, be a follower! The best part of being a fan of Jesus is you can also be His friend, and He wants, so much, to be your best friend! He is the friend that never sleeps, the One who is literally there for, and with you, 24/7, which is pretty dang awesome, if you ask me! I may have a couple best, human friends, but in the end, the King of Kings, is my best friend for life! He's, also, my Father, which makes me a princess! :)

No matter what you say, if you don't open your Bible, if you don't pray, and if you don't talk about your faith, it means nothing. If you leave your phone off, you won't know who is trying to contact you, and the same thing applies to the Bible; if you don't open it, you won't know what He wants to say to you. If you don't talk to your friends, you won't get very close, or know much about why do you think it'll be any different with Jesus? He is the most patient Friend you can have, and He is not going to withhold help from you, if you only talk to Him when you need something, but if someone did that do you, how would it make you feel? Probably, like they were just using you and weren't really your friend...Jesus wants to be your Friend, in the good and bad times. A lot of couples are being private about their relationship status, because they don't want people up in their business and while I get that, to a point, if I was in a relationship, I'd be slightly more towards that annoying girl who posts selfies and statuses, regularly, about how awesome my boyfriend was! haha! I'm not a very private person, in general, so the thought of keeping someone so important, in my life, "secret" is just strange to me. I hope that, people, find I'm the same way about Jesus, because I want people to know that I have a personal relationship with Him. I want my faith to mean something.

I hope that my life, exemplifies who Christ is, and that everyone who meets me, knows that He is the biggest part of my life, but at the same time, I don't want to shove it down any one's throat! It is not my job to make you believe in Jesus, or my job to convince you that He wants a personal relationship with you, but it is my job, to make sure you know that I am changed, and that He is my everything! I used to stress out about those close to me, who didn't share my faith, because I felt like I was failing them and failing Jehovah in some way, but then I realized that, that was Satan talking and it was so freeing! Sure, do I pray that my life, and Jesus in me, would make you stop and think about your own belief/faith, but, again, it is not my job to convert're relationship with Him is between you and Him, no one else.

I hope that this post finds you a part of the Jesus Fan Club, but at the same time a follower of Him, and that you are having a wonderful weekend!

Until Next Time!


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