
Hi Blog Readers,

What comes to mind when you hear the word, "overwhelmed?" For most, I'm sure stress is one of the first words that comes to mind, if not the first, along with to-do lists, fear, work, etc...however, for this girl, Jesus comes to mind. That's right Jesus. I have a lot in my life, right now, that could get me overwhelmed...I have car appointments, renewing my license, packing, organizing things, moving, and around all that, working 5-6 days a week....however, I'm not overwhelmed by all this...yet. I'm sure I will be, when I see all my belongings in the middle of my living room, and I'm trying to pack it all in as few boxes as possible, but for now, I'm just excited that summer is nearly here! This means I get to live at camp for three months, get to spend pretty much all my time doing what I love with people that I love, AND in less than a month it'll be my, 21st, birthday and although age is, but a number, I'm SUPER EXCITED!

When I hear the word "overwhelmed," I think of Jesus and let me tell you why. I very, very rarely cry because of pain, or because of sadness (if you've read some of my other blog posts that have mentioned me crying, you might beg to differ, but I swear it's true), however, I am often brought to tears because of God's greatness! He is SO AMAZING! I used to want to be a recording artist, but now I just sing in my shower and my car; music speaks to my soul like almost nothing else does! There are so many worship songs that make the water works start, it's slightly embarassing! I'm so grateful to Air1 for playing great Christ-focused music, and I can't tell you how many "worship services" I've had in my car, because of them! The other day, I was driving home, from the chiropractor and, "How Can it Be," came on, and in all honesty, I almost pulled into a parking lot because I felt like bawling my eyes out, but, thankfully, I managed to control myself. haha!

This post is probably making me seem like a mess and a crazy person, but I swear, I'm not!...well at least not a crazy person in a bad way, and in general, I'm not too much of a mess! Anyways, my point is not that I cry at worship songs or during sermons or when I see a beautiful sunset, etc, but that being overwhelmed doesn't have to be a bad thing! It's all about perspective. When we focus on the bigger picture, and all that we need to do in a day or week we can feel stressed out, but if we take life minute by minute instead of day by day, it is SO much more beautiful! We are not guarenteed tomorrow or the next hour, but we have the here and now and if we choose to focus on all the beauty around us, we can be so much happier!

God is so amazingly GOOD and incredibly AWESOME that I can't even begin to tell you how much! I have seen Him work in my life in big and small ways and with each and every little blessing He sends my way, it makes me SO grateful to be cherished by the CREATOR and KING of this whole big Universe! My heart aches for those who don't have His peace and joy, because it surpasses all the happiness that this world/Satan has to offer! A couple days ago, I found out what cabin I'll be in for the summertime, and can I just say, I work for some great people and serve an even GREATER God! Not only am I in the cabin I wanted, but one of my closest friends will in the cabin with me, AND instead of being in two different cabins (one for staff training and one for the rest of the summer), I'll be in the same one the whole time!! I can't leave anything at my apartment over the summer and although I keep some things at my grandparents', I still bring more than the "average" person to camp and so moving around isn't exactly fun! ;P Last year, I moved an unusual amount of seven times, and it was NOT fun, so moving in for about 10 weeks and then moving into another cabin for about 1-2, is SO much better!!

You may not have a personal relationship with Jesus, but He wants to have one with you! My God is a god of LOVE, of GRACE, and of FORGIVENESS! Religion sets rules, but my God sets you free! He sets you free from the bondage of yourself. He can give you JOY. Following Jesus isn't about rules or about doing this or that differently with your life because He "makes" you, it's about having a FOREVER Friend in Someone who is ALWAYS there no matter what! The fact that He has this whole big world to "worry," about, but "finds" time to make sure I'm taken care of each and every second of each and every day, IS so overwhelming! It's like, "who am I that the One in charge of this world would want me?" but He does, and that's a blessing and I'm SO grateful!

I get I'm slightly just rambling, but that is OK, at least I'm posting something before another month goes by! I don't know who will read this post, but I want you to know, that if you don't know Jesus as your personal Savior and friend, or would just like someone to talk to about a realtionship with Him, you can email me, anytime! If you know me, then texting or FB works too. :) I'm not an "expert" on God, and I don't claim to know all the answers, but I can tell you, that in the 17 years, I've had Him in my heart and my every day life, that I have been changed for the better and that He most certainly is real!

Anyways, I think I'll end this post now. I hope something in it spoke to you or, if not, that maybe some of my other posts have! :)

Have a fantastic weekend!
Until Next Time!


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