Hello Everyone,
So, long time no post, huh? haha!...Anyways...
We all, I'm sure, know the definition of rest and for some of you resting comes easy and others it's a struggle; I'm the latter. For each of us that struggle with resting, it probably stems from different things, but in the end, God says it's ok to rest and so that should give us some comfort.
For the longest time, I subconsciously, associated resting with laziness (not for other people, generally, but for myself), but over this past month, or so, I've accepted that isn't the case. I thrive on being with other people, and doing something productive with my day. I'm one of those annoyingly happy and enthusiastic morning people, so for me, resting is hard. I can do a day or two of laziness/relaxation, but more than that, and I get anxious and fidgety...sometimes I can't even go a full day. I used to think this was a good thing, because to be productive was good, but I've come to learn it's not.
Don't get me wrong, being productive is great, but not being able to relax, isn't. I began to wonder why I felt anxious and couldn't relax on my occasional weekends off, and I came to realize that it was fear and Satan feeding me lies. They were telling me that my life didn't matter if I spent what could be my last day, reading, watching Netflix, taking walks, or writing letters,etc when, in reality, it isn't true. Now I'm not saying that spending all your time doing these things rather than something productive is a wise use of your time, but I'm here to tell you, that occasional days like that aren't sinful or wrong.
We are called to spread His light to the world that is hurting, but we are also told to rest. If we spend all our time doing things that "matter" we will burn ourselves out and then what good will we be, if we can't do our jobs to our full potential? Part of the issue, for me, was that I wasn't comfortable enough with myself to just be, so I was using my work and activities, to hid myself behind, and that wasn't ok. If you have read my past posts, you might recall that I claimed this year, as the year to learn to love who I am and part of that, is learning to just be...just soak up the sunshine and be still in the presence of God. I'm still learning to do this, and I'm pretty sure that this will be a struggle of mine for a long while, but through fellow brothers and sisters in Christ I've been encouraged in knowing that it truly is OK to rest!
I'll always be a slight workaholic, but I pray, that in time, that my dread about days off will be purely be out of my love for my job and not both that, and the fact that I need to shield me from myself. You are precious in the eyes of God so please don't hide behind ANYTHING! Whether it be work, makeup, exercise, alcohol, drugs, food, etc....He ADORES you and hiding behind anything (even if it is a good thing like serving Him at a Christian camp) isn't how you are meant to live your life! You are meant to live in the freedom that is found in His grace, mercy, love, and compassion, so embrace that, and embrace who He made you to be and LOVE YOURSELF! As long as we are on this earth, we will have areas that we can improve, but if we dwell on that so much that we aren't comfortable in our own skin, that is when it becomes a problem, and when you need to work to change that area of yourself.
He desires what's best for you, no matter what, and part of that is taking time to rest, so please don't make the mistake I have, in the past, and take Him at His Word.
Genesis 2:2-3 "And on the seventh day God finished His work that He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work that He had done. So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all His work that He had done in creation."
Matthew 11:28 "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful."
Until Next Time!
So, long time no post, huh? haha!...Anyways...
We all, I'm sure, know the definition of rest and for some of you resting comes easy and others it's a struggle; I'm the latter. For each of us that struggle with resting, it probably stems from different things, but in the end, God says it's ok to rest and so that should give us some comfort.
For the longest time, I subconsciously, associated resting with laziness (not for other people, generally, but for myself), but over this past month, or so, I've accepted that isn't the case. I thrive on being with other people, and doing something productive with my day. I'm one of those annoyingly happy and enthusiastic morning people, so for me, resting is hard. I can do a day or two of laziness/relaxation, but more than that, and I get anxious and fidgety...sometimes I can't even go a full day. I used to think this was a good thing, because to be productive was good, but I've come to learn it's not.
Don't get me wrong, being productive is great, but not being able to relax, isn't. I began to wonder why I felt anxious and couldn't relax on my occasional weekends off, and I came to realize that it was fear and Satan feeding me lies. They were telling me that my life didn't matter if I spent what could be my last day, reading, watching Netflix, taking walks, or writing letters,etc when, in reality, it isn't true. Now I'm not saying that spending all your time doing these things rather than something productive is a wise use of your time, but I'm here to tell you, that occasional days like that aren't sinful or wrong.
We are called to spread His light to the world that is hurting, but we are also told to rest. If we spend all our time doing things that "matter" we will burn ourselves out and then what good will we be, if we can't do our jobs to our full potential? Part of the issue, for me, was that I wasn't comfortable enough with myself to just be, so I was using my work and activities, to hid myself behind, and that wasn't ok. If you have read my past posts, you might recall that I claimed this year, as the year to learn to love who I am and part of that, is learning to just be...just soak up the sunshine and be still in the presence of God. I'm still learning to do this, and I'm pretty sure that this will be a struggle of mine for a long while, but through fellow brothers and sisters in Christ I've been encouraged in knowing that it truly is OK to rest!
I'll always be a slight workaholic, but I pray, that in time, that my dread about days off will be purely be out of my love for my job and not both that, and the fact that I need to shield me from myself. You are precious in the eyes of God so please don't hide behind ANYTHING! Whether it be work, makeup, exercise, alcohol, drugs, food, etc....He ADORES you and hiding behind anything (even if it is a good thing like serving Him at a Christian camp) isn't how you are meant to live your life! You are meant to live in the freedom that is found in His grace, mercy, love, and compassion, so embrace that, and embrace who He made you to be and LOVE YOURSELF! As long as we are on this earth, we will have areas that we can improve, but if we dwell on that so much that we aren't comfortable in our own skin, that is when it becomes a problem, and when you need to work to change that area of yourself.
He desires what's best for you, no matter what, and part of that is taking time to rest, so please don't make the mistake I have, in the past, and take Him at His Word.
Genesis 2:2-3 "And on the seventh day God finished His work that He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work that He had done. So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all His work that He had done in creation."
Matthew 11:28 "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful."
Until Next Time!
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