Trust...much eaiser said than done

Hey All,

So, last post, I mentioned that I felt like God might be trying to teach me how to trust Him more and let me tell you, if that's not His goal here, I don't know what is, because man, have I had to trust Him a lot lately! He's pulled through, and although I never doubted He would, exactly, I have found myself impatient with His "lack of doing anything," sometimes, and I'm sure He's been shaking His head at me a lot lately! haha!

First off, I didn't end up moving into my apartment three days ago, instead, I'm still at camp, not my will, but Yours be done, right? ha! Well, when I first got told that I couldn't move in for a month, when I showed up at the place expecting to get my keys and begin moving in I was shocked and kind of freaking out inside wondering where in the world I was going to stay for the next month! God is AWESOME (and so are the people I work for) though, becuase they have provided me with a wonderful room to stay in until I can move in to my place for the next 8 months, before I'm back here, again! :) Honestly, I work at the BEST place EVER, I'm SO over blessed!

Also, I'm still looking for an aditional job which is a little unnerving since money will be extra tight, otherwise, unless I find a roommate before the next month starts (this is one of the only good things about still being at camp I have one less month of rent and driving to work everyday and more time to find extra work/maybe a roommate). I do have an interview tomorrow, around 10am, if any of you reading this, are willing to pray for me to do well and for me to get the job, I'd appreciate it, greatly!

I'm not sure what He's got instore for me tomorrow (or any day really), but can I just say, I can hardly wait to see what He's going to do through and for me?! Living life with Him is such an honor and privilage and my heart hurts for anyone who doesn't, personally, know Him as their Lord and Savior!

Kind of off topic (even though this post isn't exactly staying on topic as it is) I'd greatly encourage all of you to check out The Message version of the Bible. Some people may not like it and call it "watered down" because it is written in "modern" English, but I have been greatly enjoying it and am not using it as my only Bible, just one to start with each day and then going to my ESV or NKJV to get a more "in depth" version of the passage. The Solo New Testament is what I've been using, and have been finding the questions besides the scripture helpful and they've made me think more about what I just read and caused me to reread each verse multiple times. Just figured I'd mention it. :)

Anywyas, back on topic, I just want to remind all of you that no matter what you face, that He's got your back, I mean come on, He DIED to save you, if that doesn't say "Hey, I've got your back," I don't know what does! :)

I hope you all have a blessed weekend!
Until Next Time!


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