God is LOVE

Hey All,

So, I'm on the tailend of a migraine, am pretty tired and therefore, probably should be going to sleep now instead of sitting up in bed, blogging, but I had to get a few things out.

While looking up a music video to a country song just now, I ended up stumbling upon a few others I hadn't heard of/seen (funny how YouTube just sucks one in, huh?) and in doing so, ended up seeing some comments under one of them that has gotten me quite annoyed....probably more so then I should be, but anyways.

The song was about having fun in the summertime, nothing dirty about it, and granted the video did have girls in pretty skimpy bikinis, but that's besides the point. The top comment, was from this person who's username I can't remember except for the fact that it had the word "Jesus" in it and in this comment he was quoting the Bible. Mind you, I don't have any problem with the Bible, of course, and spreading the Truth around is always a good thing to do, but this person, was using it in a judgmental fashion, and was basically insuitating that the artist was promoting sex with many women/men outside of marriage (which may I add wasn't in the song at all). I do think this is an issue that should be talked about, I even posted about it a few posts back, however, in the manner and context this person was doing it was just all wrong.

I'm not saying, said person, didn't have good intentions, but after skimming through the many replies this "Christian" was not only using God's Word totally out of context, but was telling basically all the other people that they were going to Hell, if they didn't read the Bible, along with being hypocrites and liars. Granted, it's true, if we don't confess our sins and turn our lives over to God, we'll go to Hell, but this person was not going about spreading the Good News in a loving way and it was making many people very angry, including myself.

I'm not suggesting I'm perfect (I'm SO not), but it makes me so sad to see fellow Christians turn people away from God instead of directing them too Him. I couldn't read all the comments because it was making me to upset, but I just want to say something to people who might not share my views on Christ.

One of the comments said something along the lines of, "If there was a god and he is allowing all this bad stuff to happen he should be punished and put in jail for it. I just can't believe in a god who would allow all the evil in the world to continue." .....this just makes me want to cry because for someone to say that they must be a lonely sad place. God did get punished here on this earth, but it wasn't for all the evil He "allows" in this world it was for all of OUR sin and so WE could be made whole and be able to one day go to live with Him in paradise if we accept His GIFT of salvation. We all sin and there is a lot of evil and sick things in this world because God gave us freedom to choose our way of life...He didn't want robots who merely loved Him because He told them too. He desired to have people who WANTED to love Him because of all that He does for us, that we know of and that we may never know of.

Another comment was along the lines of; "I don't care about this debate, beccause I'm an atheist so God doesn't exist." I could get into this in a lot of detail, but I'm too tired to at the moment...all I'll say right now is that, just because you don't believe in something doesn't mean it's not real. I don't believe avacados could be good in any way shape or form, but just because this is the case, that doesn't mean they aren't tasty to some peopole and that they have no purpose whatsoever....I know this a poor analogy, but I'm tired so just go with it. haha!

Anyways, my point is, is we are called to further His kingdom, we are called to be the Light in this world, but the way we represent Christ matters and if we don't do it in LOVE we will turn people away and that is not what we are called to do! It is God's place to judge us, so although it's hard to always speak the truth in love, that is what we should aim for. If we just live with peace, love, and joy that surpass all humanly standards, that alone should make others see that we are different and make them question what it is that we have that they don't.

We are human, and we will fail, God knows I've failed in this area far to many times, thankfully I'm getting better day by day, but the trick is to get back up and start fresh after each mistake. He loves us dispite our failures and while that doesn't give us an excuse to live our lives in a way that dishonors Him, it does give us hope and strength when we make mistakes.

Ok, so I'm going to end this little rant now (though I could go on for quite some time), and probably will find numerous typos and run-on sentences when I read this when I'm more awake...oh well...lol

Goodnight Everyone!
I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend!
Until Next Time!


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