...Like That...

Hey anyone who happens to read this blog of mine,

So, first off, I GOT THE JOB I INTERVIEWED FOR TODAY!!! It's a "trial basis" for two days next week, but I have confidence in my ability to do the job (it'll be dishes and prep work) so I'm sure it'll be longer than just two days. :) I can't wait to start! God is AWESOME!

Anyways, so the topic for this post is purity. Sexual purity, and purity of our thoughts. I just want to start off, by saying that if you have had sex outside of marraige (espeically if you are a friend of mine) that I am not judging your choices (and if you are my friend, I most certianly don't love you any less), but I felt inclined to share some thoughts on this matter, in hopes that you will think about what God desires for you in this area of your life.

I am human, obviously, so I totally get the desire to feel loved and wanted by other people, especially by a certain someone ;), but if he/she is pressuring you to compromise what you feel is right (and more importantly what God says is right) than you need to RUN as fast as you can in the opposite direction. I DO NOT CARE what they tell you, (they love you and that it doesn't matter because you'll be together forever, etc) if they truely love you, they will WAIT...do not let someone make you stoop to that level! If someone is treating you like that they do NOT respect you and they are NOT worth your time, your effort, your thoughts, and most importantly your heart!...just NO!

In the Bible, it is very clear that God's wants us to wait to be intimate with someone until we are married to them. I get it's not always easy to wait, especially if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend and spend time alone, but that is what God says is best, so no matter how hard it is, that is what we are called to do. 1 Corinthians 6:18; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5; Hebrews 13:4...are just a few expamples.

I have not had sex, myself, or even come close, and I pray I never am put in a situation where I have to put a stop to something, but if I do, I really hope I will have the courage and strength to do what is right. Not only because of what God has called us to do, but because I don't want to find myself thinking of someone else someday when I'm married. I have known enough people who have had sex outside of marriage to have a strong opinion on this matter. While some have stayed together and gotten married, it doesn't make it right, and for far too many, it just complicates things and makes for a really messy situation that I don't wish to happen to anyone.

The problem is not just about actually, "doing it," because according to the Bible, even if you look at someone and lust for them, then it's the same as commiting adultery (Matthew 5:28). That's pretty heavy stuff, huh? It's a lot easier to control our actions rather than our thoughts (at least it is for me) which is why it's important that we fill our minds with scripture and things that are pleasing to Him so that when we do catch ourselves thinking things we shouldn't, we can, "replace," those thoughts with pure ones.

We all sin, and although this isn't a huge struggle for me, personally, it may be for some of you, which is why I'm writing some of my thoughts on the matter. If this is something you wrestle with (or no matter what, really, since we all sin), I want to remind you that you can never fall too far from the grace of God, it doesn't matter who you are, if His grace was an ocean we'd all be sinking in it, because it is that deep. He loves us, unconditionally which is hard to fathom, but it is true! Praise Jesus!

No matter where you find yourself, and no matter what you are going through, don't sell yourself short or give yourself away, because you want to be loved and cherished....you already are. The King of this universe and the Savior of your soul, loves you with so much abadon that you and I will never be able to fathom it, which sometimes may not seem enough, but it is! I understand the need for human love as well (He created us that way), but at the same time, if you feel alone, know you are not and never will be! I've been relearning this lately and let me just say, I'm SO grateful, because I feel closer to Him than almost ever before and it's LOVELY! :)

I hope you all have a glorious weekend!
Until Next Time!


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