
Hey Everyone,

If you haven't picked up already, I am a HUGE Lecrae fan and will be til the day I die! haha! One of my biggest pet peeves is when people critize Christian rap and say it's impossible to have such a thing...let me tell you it is NOT! I get that it's "different" than what some may think of as Christian, but you know what, this is what the hip-hop culture NEEDS! DESPERATELY! We need someone to rap the gospel (he literally has multiple songs where he does this and it makes me tear up sometimes because it's just so cool)! We need people of different cultures, different walks of life, to all come together to further His Kingdom here on earth...if we were all the same, what good would that do? My all time favorite version of How Great is Our God, is the world edition, purely because it is sung in multiple differently languages and is just beautiful!

I hate when people diss Lecrae, and his music, because it sounds "secular" and "worldly." First off, if you think this about his music (or any other Christian rapper for that matter) you, obviously, haven't listened to the lyrics, because he asks people to look up Scripture, raps about living for Christ, and there isn't one song of his, I can think of, that doesn't meniton Jesus' name multiple times! Just because his ministy looks different than Chris Tomlin's, for example, it does not mean that he is any less passionate about Jesus or about the gospel...if you watch any of his interviews or read/listen to any of his lyrics you'll see I'm right!

We need to not judge other people, that's God's job! I earn a living by working in kitchens and cleaning, but that doesn't define my faith or make me any less of a Christian than someone who works in a more "direct" ministry. We are all called to serve Him in different ways and He has bestowed on each and everyone of us different gifts and talents. We are called to be messengers for Him no matter where He has placed us on this earth and dismissing others talents is not what we are supposed to be doing, by any means. I totally get rap isn't everyones genre and if you don't like Lecrae's music that's your choice, but I just want to encourage you to not decide not listen to it because he doesn't sing the things that God has put on his heart.

This post isn't just about Lecrae and whether or not Christian rap can exist or not, it's also about how we as Christians are set apart, each and everyone of us. We aren't meant to fit into any catergory this world has tried to put us in. Lecrae is apart of the hip-hop culture, but he's, also, apart of the Christian culture...each of us are an anomaly, and that is what the world should see. We should be so different that they have to stop and question us. My main goal in this life is to not put my mark this world, but that I would put HIS mark on this world...with a little splash of my color. :) We are each made new in Christ, if we have allowed Him to be a part of our lives, how are you representing Him? Can those around you see that you are an anomaly?

I hope that you all have a beautiful weekend!
Until Next Time!


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