
Hey All,

So this one is for the ladies....sorry if there are any men who read this blog, but deal with it. ;P haha!

A lot of you may have no clue what the word Hephzibah means and that's alright, I didn't til I heard Beckah Shae's song with this title, years ago. It literally means, "My delight is in her," and was used in terms of speaking to Isreal as a whole (Isiah 62:4) , but was, also, the name of King Hezekiah's wife (2 Kings 21:1). It doesn't just mean to delight in, however, it's, also, is "the protected one."

Isn't that such a beautiful name? It brings a smile to my face, I'd like to think that my Father would use this word for me...I want Him to delight in me and I need His protection because on my own I'm lost. He loves us and He made us in His imagine, we are BEAUTIFUL to Him all on our own.

In this world we live in, so much attention and focus is on being "perfect", but did you know that's that's literally IMPOSSIBLE?! Until we reach Heaven's gate, after our time on Earth is done, we will NEVER be perfect on the inside or the outside. We all have flaws and we all of struggles, but that doesn't mean we are any less beautiful because in His eyes we are stunning, we are "perfect", because He created us just the way we are!! I struggle with wishing I looked different (well really the only part about myself that I sometimes feel like I hate are my legs, but still), but I'm slowly learning to just accept who He made me to be and just roll with it. Baby, girl you are BEAUTIFUL....it doesn't matter if you are thin, a little overweight, tan, or pale etc....it is your heart that matters, and if you live your life to the fullest and you let Him shine through you, then you will be drop dead gorgeous no matter what!

You might be thinking that I can't possibly say that because I have no idea what you look like and don't know how many times other girls have told you that if you did this or that, that'd you'd be prettier or how many times a guy you liked fell for someone else and it just HAD to be because you weren't pretty enough well let me tell you, you are wrong. I don't know what you look like, but I know the One who made you and I know He never makes mistakes so therefore you must be beautiful. I don't know how many times other girls/guys criticized your looks, but let me tell you something, for the all the times that's happened,  know that God was wishing you'd listen to Him instead, because He wants you to know that you're beautiful and ultimately it doesn't matter what anyone, but Him thinks anyways. As far as other guys go, I know the feeling, I've been there, but for all the times I let that get me down I picked myself back up and told myself that there is some guy out there who will think I'm beautiful no matter what I'm wearing or what time of day it is and that's what I hold on to when I wonder if any guy will ever find me as beautiful as those girls in the magazines or on TV. Honestly, though, it's kind of stupid for us to compare ourselves to them, isn't it? I mean they're the "ideal," women, but they aren't reality and more than likely they wish they could change a million and one things about themselves too so what do we have to be jealous of? Nothing.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's wrong to want to be the best you can be, and to eat right, to exercise, to dress up or wear makeup etc, but when we let our outward imagine consume all our thoughts and energy it's when it's a problem. Our society has programmed us to think that our outward appearance is more important than it actually is and it's sad to me. Sure, like I said, I'm self conscious about how I look too and considering I'm human I don't think that'll ever change, but I'm really trying and I pray that more and more my focus will be on who I am and not what I look like.

I hope that all of you ladies can look in the mirror and see yourself for the beautiful woman you are and that you have a wonderful day!

Until Next Time!


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