Back to Jesus


So, Mandisa's song Back to You has been playing in my head a lot lately so I figured I'd share it with you guys. God has really been trying to drill into me that worrying will get me no where and that I just need to trust Him to take care of me. I can't not tell you how many times this subject has been the focus of "random" conversations I've overheard or been apart of, someone's FB status, or a song on Air1, He really knows how to grab our attention! It's, also, been mentioned the last two Sundays at church and the song that we sang last week, that I hadn't heard before, Great Are You Lord, by All Sons and Daughters was along the lines as well!

God is SO good!! I've been applying to lunch lady jobs for the Fall, as I need something in addition to camp, and the whole waiting process has been difficult along with knowing all the bills I have from surgery along with car stuff coming up as my birthday is in June. Through it all, there have been moments where I've tossed and turned at night or felt a panic attack coming on, and each time, He's found someway to remind me that He has got my back and that all I need to do is TRUST Him and let Him take care of the details. Today, I got a call from my top school choice to set up an interview and as soon as I hung up, I literally jumped up and down saying, multiple times, "Thank You Jesus! Thank You SO much!"  Yes, I know the job isn't guaranteed to be mine, but an interview is a start and I'm just thankful for that!

No matter what you are facing today, know that He has it all under control and that He will never fail you!
All you got to do is give it all back to Him and trust that He knows best, even when we don't understand. It's His breath in our lungs and if we praise Him with all that we have we have nothing to fear!

I hope you enjoy your weekend!
Until Next Time!


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