In this fast paced, ASAP, world we live in it's grown harder and harder to learn the art of waiting for something. Part of the joy in things, I've found, is actually the fact that I HAVE to wait for them! It's so much fun to count down the days, anticipate what it'll be like when whatever it is actually happens, etc. However, waiting can be a difficult task and no matter what you are waiting for we need to try and remember that life doesn't stop while we wait. Whether you're waiting for, results from a medical test, waiting to find out if you got accepted into the college you want, waiting to find out if you got the job you applied/interviewed for, waiting at the airport, waiting for your true love, whatever it is, it can be hard and often seems like one of the most difficult things we face in this world.
When I was working at a high school, I often remember hearing kids complain about how long their food took to heat up in the microwave...I put up with it most of the time, but there were a few times I spoke up and told them that if they can't wait two minutes for there food then they should just go eat it cold because I was sick of listening to them complain about it. This world, and all it's conveniences, have helped program us to be so used to everything, NOW, that when we have to wait, even just two minutes for our food in the microwave, it feels like the end of the world. I'm not saying I'm not guilty of complaining about waiting for stupid stuff like that, or that I don't appreciate the modern conveniences I'm blessed with, but what I am saying, is that because we are so used to being able to get things right when we want them we need to work extra hard on learning to be patient and wait.
Often times I find, that when we are waiting for something, normally bigger things than just our food in the microwave, we get so caught up in worrying about the details, or getting so excited for what's to come, that we forget to live in the here and now. It's OK to plan, count down days, and get excited, but we need to remember that while we wait for whatever it is, that we need to focus and put energy into serving God, just as much as when we don't have something big we are waiting for. Especially when it's something "bad" we are waiting for and it feels like God just doesn't hear us ask for Him to speed things up and take away whatever burden we are afraid to bear, but it doesn't mean He's not there or that He doesn't care. There are times when He may seem silent and we wonder what He was thinking when He let something happen to us that we feel we can't handle. We can be afraid and we can worry, but in the end it won't do us any good because God is with you every step of the way and will get you through whatever it is. It's not easy and I'm guilty of being impatient and just wanting to know the end results, NOW, so that I can go about my day and not let the feelings of fear and anticipation drown my soul, but what good would that do me? He, obviously, has a plan for me and whatever reason He has for letting me face trials there IS a reason and I must push through and fight them on my knees in prayer and with a heart that is praising Him despite whatever pain or fear I'm dealing with. Sometimes the only lesson He may be trying to teach us is to wait and to wait with out being impatient. He knows what He's doing, and all we need to do is trust Him...it's hard, but it's not impossible because He will give you and I the strength to wait for HIS timing which is ALWAYS better than ours.
The song that came to mind today, and helped inspire this post was, "While I'm Waiting" by John Waller. I saw him in concert a few years ago and am a big fan of the work God is doing through him. Enjoy!
I hope you all have a blessed weekend!
Until Next Time!
In this fast paced, ASAP, world we live in it's grown harder and harder to learn the art of waiting for something. Part of the joy in things, I've found, is actually the fact that I HAVE to wait for them! It's so much fun to count down the days, anticipate what it'll be like when whatever it is actually happens, etc. However, waiting can be a difficult task and no matter what you are waiting for we need to try and remember that life doesn't stop while we wait. Whether you're waiting for, results from a medical test, waiting to find out if you got accepted into the college you want, waiting to find out if you got the job you applied/interviewed for, waiting at the airport, waiting for your true love, whatever it is, it can be hard and often seems like one of the most difficult things we face in this world.
When I was working at a high school, I often remember hearing kids complain about how long their food took to heat up in the microwave...I put up with it most of the time, but there were a few times I spoke up and told them that if they can't wait two minutes for there food then they should just go eat it cold because I was sick of listening to them complain about it. This world, and all it's conveniences, have helped program us to be so used to everything, NOW, that when we have to wait, even just two minutes for our food in the microwave, it feels like the end of the world. I'm not saying I'm not guilty of complaining about waiting for stupid stuff like that, or that I don't appreciate the modern conveniences I'm blessed with, but what I am saying, is that because we are so used to being able to get things right when we want them we need to work extra hard on learning to be patient and wait.
Often times I find, that when we are waiting for something, normally bigger things than just our food in the microwave, we get so caught up in worrying about the details, or getting so excited for what's to come, that we forget to live in the here and now. It's OK to plan, count down days, and get excited, but we need to remember that while we wait for whatever it is, that we need to focus and put energy into serving God, just as much as when we don't have something big we are waiting for. Especially when it's something "bad" we are waiting for and it feels like God just doesn't hear us ask for Him to speed things up and take away whatever burden we are afraid to bear, but it doesn't mean He's not there or that He doesn't care. There are times when He may seem silent and we wonder what He was thinking when He let something happen to us that we feel we can't handle. We can be afraid and we can worry, but in the end it won't do us any good because God is with you every step of the way and will get you through whatever it is. It's not easy and I'm guilty of being impatient and just wanting to know the end results, NOW, so that I can go about my day and not let the feelings of fear and anticipation drown my soul, but what good would that do me? He, obviously, has a plan for me and whatever reason He has for letting me face trials there IS a reason and I must push through and fight them on my knees in prayer and with a heart that is praising Him despite whatever pain or fear I'm dealing with. Sometimes the only lesson He may be trying to teach us is to wait and to wait with out being impatient. He knows what He's doing, and all we need to do is trust Him...it's hard, but it's not impossible because He will give you and I the strength to wait for HIS timing which is ALWAYS better than ours.
The song that came to mind today, and helped inspire this post was, "While I'm Waiting" by John Waller. I saw him in concert a few years ago and am a big fan of the work God is doing through him. Enjoy!
I hope you all have a blessed weekend!
Until Next Time!
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