Diet, Cleanse, Whatever...
Hey Everyone,
So, this new diet, cleanse, whatever you want to call it is going to be a huge adjustment as I said yesterday. I'm keeping a food log and so far today, I've eaten one fried egg with about a tablespoon of cheese, a banana, and am drinking my first 24 oz cup of Green Tea. Typically it would've been 3-4 eggs with butter, mushrooms, spinach, and cheese, 16 oz glass of V8 Fusion Pomegranate Blueberry juice (which I will still be drinking, but not as much since I'll be so full of Green Tea I'll be practically living in the bathroom), and an orange. While my breakfast today wasn't terrible (though I've discovered I'm not into Green Tea to say the least), it definitely wasn't the same, nor as filling. I'm going to be eating more like 6 smaller meals a day instead of 3 big ones as much as possible and trying not to eat so close to when I go to bed.
On top of my diet changes I'll be doing a foot detox (which I'm currently doing as I write this) which contains sea salt, Epsom salt, and baking soda, added to boiling water and you then soak your feet in it for 30 minutes or so (this'll be by far the easiest change to my daily life).Like I stated yesterday, my roommate and dear friend (more like my sister) is doing this with me so that's going to help big time! She's my personal cheerleader, peptalker (if that's a thing), and my drill sergeant/Dr. I swear she's more motivated than I am and I'm the one with the health issues in need of a food overhaul. It's not that I don't want to change so that it doesn't get worse, but it's just I hate having yet another thing wrong with me. I already deal with back/knee/feet/neck pain, I've been needing to wrap my right hand while I work because of carpal tunnel, am already gluten free which is hard in itself sometimes, etc. I know it could be worse, I could be unable to move, could not be able to work, could have more dietary restrictions than I do currently and the list goes on, but that doesn't mean I don't wish it wouldn't be happening to me, that I don't wonder why God can't just take it all away.
I will get through this and I will try my best to stay positive and upbeat, but it's overwhelming in some moments and I feel sometimes like I'm far too young to have this many issues with my body. It can make it hard to feel worth anything sometimes when your own body is causing you so many issues and stress. Although in my heart I know God has a purpose for me here, otherwise He'd take me Home it's hard to see the big picture when you're so close to the issue, anyone with me on that? I'm not saying I want to die right now because, overall, my life is fantastic and I'm grateful for all the blessings He's showered on me, I really am! I'm SO over blessed, yet that doesn't mean I'm not overwhelmed, scared, or frustrated by the things He's allowing me to deal with. I know He holds tomorrow, holds today, holds my future, and has held all my yesterdays and I trust Him I do, but I'm still human and therefore I'm allowed to wish this wasn't happening to me. I'm human and He is God and can handle my honesty. He wants me to be honest with how I feel because He can then help me fix it, help me grow, and help me understand the reason He chose me to deal with this.
I'm excited to see how He'll use this part of my life to show me how great and powerful He truly is and I hope you all can learn something along this journey with me, not just about His goodness, but, also, new healthy recipes, delicious and disgusting. haha!
Until Next Time!
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