It Will Never Happen to Me

Hey Everyone!

So this blog post finds me excited, a little upset, and a bit nervous. The excitement comes because I'm now embarking on a low-fat diet, while limiting a number of foods that aren't good for my liver and my apparent gallstones. I'm excited to see how doing this will effect how I feel in general and knowing that God will use this to strengthen me. I'm a little upset and nervous because being gluten free is hard enough let alone trying to live by more dietary restrictions. I know that I won't have to entirely give up the foods I love, just eat them in more of a moderation than I have been doing, taking more supplements, while also eating foods that are good for detoxing, but it's not something I was planning on doing so it'll take some adjustments.

As humans, we know we're not, but sometimes we feel invincible and as if certain things (like sudden need to change your diet, cancer, etc.) will never happen to us. While I don't think it's healthy or necessary to worry about things that may or may not happen to us, it's important to not take our health (or anything for that matter) for granted. If I had known the last bacon or plate size portion of eggs would be the last of those foods I'd eat without consciously thinking about the amount I'm eating I definitely would have savored it more. :)

When I got the news weeks ago that my numbers were off and that I needed an ultrasound to look at my liver I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach and like I was dreaming. I've been more restless because of dreams I've been having about getting a call that I have cancer or need surgery. I would never have gotten through the waiting without God granting me peace and reminding me how much I have to be thankful for and that'd He'd get me through it. When I got the call with the results this morning I knew this was the beginning of a long journey full of adjustments and more waiting, but I was thankful that it wasn't cancer and that surgery was not needed right now (and hopefully not anytime in the future). It hit me hard, all the foods I'd be giving up or at least barely eating that I love/eat without thinking twice.

I'm SO thankful for the fact that I've been gluten free for the past four years so I'm already used to that (since a lot of our research shows that with the low-fat diet I should be gluten free too) so avoiding more foods will not be quite as hard since I'm used to being disciplined in the area of what I eat. I'm, also, thankful for my roommate who is doing this with me and will keep me accountable (as well as the people I work with) so I won't be doing this alone.

This could crush me and make me doubt His goodness or that He's there, but I'm choosing to count my rainbows and stay positive. This is not to say that some days I'm not going to be completely discouraged and that it won't be hard, cuz I know it WILL, but it'll be worth it in the end and He will use this area of my life to bless me and others I can feel it!

Whatever you are going through don't doubt His presence because He has a plan for EVERYTHING even when we don't know why.

I will be keeping you updated with new recipes I try as I eat healthier as well detox drinks/foot soaks that I like. :)

I hope you all are having a good week so far!
Until Next Time!


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