It Starts At The Roots

Hello Everyone,

Fair warning, this post may be repetitive of past blog entries from this year, but if you are new to my blog or even if not, I'm sure that some of it will still be fresh and hopefully helpful to you in some way. As the year of learning to love myself is drawing to a close, it's so encouraging to look back and see how far I've come since March of this year! I am much more at peace with myself and with my surroundings than I have been in maybe forever, and my perspective on so many things has changed, for what I believe to be the better. I've had numerous people tell me that they can see a change in me, even without me mentioning anything about my journey, and honestly, I feel as if, in some ways, I was "reborn" at the beginning of this year. I'm SO grateful to God for helping me walk through so much of my former baggage that I carried for far too long!

Alright, so this post is going to be sort of a "tutorial" into how I was able to make changes within myself this past year that I'm praying maybe you can apply to your life and see similar growth! It all starts with getting to the root of the may not realize it, but almost every emotion or reaction to things you have, is triggered by past experiences. It doesn't matter if it's positive or negative, it is often directly, or indirectly, related to things of your past. Because of this fact, if you dig deep enough, you can often "self heal" a lot of your current emotional anxiety and sometimes even physical ailments that are caused by your emotional baggage.

At the beginning of this year, and throughout it, I hope you could see parts of this journey as I've progressed in how I see myself and how at peace I am with who I am as a person and decisions I've made. I am very passionate about many things, and this has become one of them. It saddens me when I see people trapped within cages they unknowingly built for themselves. It took a lot of soul searching and help from the One who knows my thoughts and emotions better than I know them myself, but I got where I am today because I put in the work! It is fairly easy to say you want to change, but truly recognizing the issue and taking the time to dig deep and fixing it, is a totally different thing.

Some of the keys to healing your past hurts are:

1). Making connections between your current emotions and your past ones

2).  Realizing that it is not wrong to feel the way you do, but the way you react to it may be

3). Realizing that you and you alone should hold the key to your emotions, don't give anyone else that power because then you let their insecurities become your baggage 

4). Either forgiving yourself or forgiving someone else who helped get you to the emotional state you are in at the is not easy, but it is possible.

5). Ask Jesus to keep you accountable for keeping these things in the past and giving you the strength to letting it go for good

There is a lot more to it, but this is part of it...facing your past demons isn't easy and it will make you feel like crap and will hopefully make you cry so you can heal...truly heal...The next things you have to do are:

1). Own your freedom

2). Learn to love yourself up to yourself, on social media if that is thing...remind yourself that you are WORTH IT!

3). Be vulnerable. Don't hid behind your old-self when you are around others; break out of your shell.

4). Separate yourself from anyone who makes it difficult to be the best version of yourself...walking away from certain relationships for a time, or for good, is sometimes the best thing you can do and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise!

5). Learn to just be. Spend time alone and remind yourself that you don't need anyone to make you feel worth it or loved...God and you can do that alone.

While for each and everyone of you, you might have different steps or they might be in a different order depending on why you carry emotional baggage with you, this is a start. It is not a simple step to step process, but it is possible if you are determined enough to reach your end goal; emotional freedom! I pray this helps at least one person out there, and if not, that's okay, because as the years go on, it'll be a good reminder for myself as I continue on this journey.

Being able to get to the root of why I felt certain ways was one of the most freeing things I could ever do for myself, and I pray that you can experience it as well, whoever you are. If you are in a constant state of emotional ups and downs or you are just in a constant state of "down," than you are probably in desperate need to clean out your emotional closest. You may think that isn't the case and that you can just take it day by day, but that will never be true until you make yourself hit rock bottom and then build yourself back up on solid can't build a castle on a sandy foundation.

For me, this transformation was partly able to transpire because I live alone and could just let it all come out without someone around, which I understand isn't a luxury everyone has, but that doesn't mean you can't do it too, it just means yours will just take a little longer....For me, the bulk of it happened over about 1-3 months, but I'm still working on myself and that's a huge key to it all. It's important that you don't quit just because you think you've reached the top, because you haven't, and you won't until you reach your death bed. I'm not saying this to discourage you, but to hopefully inspire you to become the best version of you, you can possibly be! I can't tell you how to live your life and I can't tell you what connects what in your sea of emotions, but I can tell you that you won't either until you put in the work. I can't stress enough how much work it actually is, but it is WORTH IT...just like you are!  You are worth so much more than you realize and you have so much potential if you just took the time to let yourself get there. You can't just look at the problem and walk around it, you have to walk THROUGH it no matter how much it hurts and how messy it's necessary, and it's so important if you want to live a full and joyful life!

Again, this is NOT easy, but above all, the best advice I can give anyone who reads this, is to surender it all to Jesus at the foot of the cross! He is the Maker of your soul. He has been there with you every step of the way, and if you daily surrender your emotions to Him, He will know how to take care of them and how to carry you along the way. If you don't share my belief in Jehovah then, I still say this is the best advice I can possibly give you, but first, you must surrender your whole life to Him. Some think that by doing that they give up all the "good" in their life, but truuust me all the "good" of this world is NOTHING compared to all the good and amazing things He has to offer! Your life will be richer and better than anything you can imagine, and it is so worth anything you give up in the process.

I could say a looot more on this subject, especially if I knew what specifically you are going through, but I pray with all my heart, that something in this jumble of words hit you and makes you want to dig deep and change your life for the better. And if you are in a good place, like I am, because you've already started this journey of self improvement, then I commend you and pray you stick with it and don't ever stop!

Until Next Time!


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