Month of Doing Without

Hey All,

First off I just realized that last year I posted 43 times and this year I have only posted 19 so far...that is quite the difference, and hopefully, next year I'll be better at writing when I have inspiration instead of waiting until it leaves me and I forget half of what I was going to post on. We'll see. I have no idea how many of you actually care about whether I post or not, so probably most of this is for my own future benefit, but that's okay.

Anyways, obviously we are in the month of December and as some of you probably know, this month the camp I work at closes down which is rather difficult for me. I only have deep cleaning a couple of days, and our Christmas party, in which I get to go to my favorite place on earth and see some of my favorite people, but that's not the only hard part; it also means I'm pretty tight on money this month. Yes, I have another job, but camp pays my bills and some extra, so now I just have savings/extra money coming in which is a bit tough sometimes, but it's all good. All this really means is this is the month of doing without....doing without that chocolate cake I'm craving, without the DD coffee, the six pack of hard apple cider, going out for a drive just because, etc, but that's not all bad, it's actually somewhat of a blessing.

You see, not only is December the month we celebrate Jesus' birth, but because I have less money coming in it makes me even more grateful for the 11 months a year that I have more. It makes me grateful for the little things that I "splurge" on. It makes me grateful for all that I have, and while it makes me wonder for a few brief moments how I'll afford certain things, it makes me so very grateful for the fact that the rest of the year I don't ever have to worry about money. My God is my provider and I have never gone hungry, been without a warm home, or without a place to lay my head each night, and for that I'm so very indebted and grateful to Him for. When we can't have our hearts desires it makes us realize all the times He has given us just that and all that we have surrounding us right here and now.

I'd like to encourage all of you, to go a week each month or at least a few days a month and choose not to spend that money on that coffee, or that book, and instead, take an extra moment to praise Him for all He's done for you and will continue to do for you each and every moment of every day He gives you life. It doesn't matter how small the thing is that you are giving up, choose to do without and maybe even give back instead. This "experiment" may be forced on me each year because of the job/mission He's placed me at, but I truly believe that it is one of His greatest gifts to me. It not only comes at the end of the year so it helps me go into the new one even more grateful for Him by my side, but it helps me reflect on all His goodness of the past year, and for that I'm blessed indeed.

I don't know what more to say on this subject really, but I felt like God was pressing on my heart to share these thoughts with you. This past week I was pretty sick and also somewhat heavy hearted over loneliness, missing camp, and being overwhelmed by all the knowledge being cramped into my brain from my new job, but today He revealed the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm my joyful self again. It doesn't matter what you face today, He sees you and He wants to give you all you desire if it lines up with His will for your Him...He's got your back and your life in His very cable hands! He doesn't just provide your salvation and walk away He walks BESIDE you all the days of your life and is with you no matter whether you like it or not...though I can't imagine what could be better than having the Creator of the Universe by your side and pulling for you to do great things!

I think I'll end this now, but I hope you all know the peace of Jesus Christ and that you know how precious you are to Him. Let Him make you brave and let Him provide for you! Be grateful for the little things and let Him show you what a beautiful life this truly is!

Until Next Time!


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