Find Your Inspiration

Hey All,

So as the year of 2015 is coming to a close, next weekend, it's only natural to start thinking about your New Years' Resolutions and so that's kind of what this post will be about. More often than not, people make resolutions and they don't follow through with them, and honestly, until this past year, I've never really made any myself, partly due to that reason...This isn't a good or bad thing, but still it's the truth...I, however, encourage all you to claim 2016 as your year to [blank] and strive EVERY day to make that desire a reality!

Some of the most common resolutions I hear of are about physical health (working out or eating healthier etc.) and while those are good things to strive for, I think that you should start with something else. More often than not, if you don't first strive to better your emotional/inward self, you won't be able to fully embrace becoming more healthy, physically. I'm not saying it has to be entirely one or the other, but so many people don't see emotional/mental health as the same thing as physical health, which I think is so very wrong and sad. Now, obviously, there are many differences to each, BUT they are both of great importance and, as I said last post, they can be directly tied together in many ways. If you don't start at the root of the problem you are NEVER going to fix it!...though I won't go on about that (read my last post if you wish to read more) so moving on...

Lately, I have had numerous people tell me that I am such an inspiration to them and that they really admire who I am and who I'm becoming, and I can't tell you what that meant to me! I haven't often been told those amazing four words of, "I'm proud of you," and so when people say that, or similar words, it means the world! As I've come to learn this year, other people's opinions of myself don't define me and aren't who I am, but when it's positive feedback, it is a great encouragement to my soul. It took me a very long to become someone I am proud of. I still have work to do on myself, of course, but I've come soooo far from where I was in March of this year and even more so since September 2013! I'm sorry for bragging on myself so much this year, but honestly, I need it. I need to keep reminding myself how far I've come so I don't ever go back. I need to, also, remind others so that they know that if I can do it, they can too!...which is what this blog post is going to get to...eventually...haha!

Fall of 2013-Summer of 2014 was the year of freedom and expressing my inner self in a way I couldn't do while living with my parents. Fall 2014-the Present has been the year of learning to love myself and learning to embrace who I am to the core. My hope for 2016 is that I'll not only continue expressing who I am, with truth, love, and power but that I will be able to find inspiration in every day while being an inspiration to those around me and also to myself. I've really learned this year that I can "be friends" with myself and it's been a huge blessing. I want to be able to encourage others with my zest for life, my passion for God and my work at camp, and be able to speak truth into the lives of those around me. Someone told me recently that I am "the least judgemental and one of the most honest, and accepting people she's ever known," and it made me tear up...Every good thing I've ever done or said, has been His presence in my life, but the fact that He has been able to shine through me in ways that I want to be known for, is a blessing to hear!

Not only do I want to inspire others and myself during the next 12 months (and really always), but I want to help others walk through their emotional baggage...since I've really worked on it myself, I have a new sense of what life can be if your head/heart is free of all that clutter, and I want others to experience it as well! I have no idea how that will play out, but I pray that God will open doors of conversations with those in my life and allow me be a piece in that part of their journey! I know that each person will walk through things at different paces (again, see past blog entry), but if He can use me to help them see the light at the end of the tunnel it'd be wonderful!

I impress upon all of you to choose a word or a phrase for the next twelve months and live it out every day until it becomes a part of who you are. Don't give up when you have a bad day, just press on and realize that you are human...don't be any harder on yourself than you'd be on your best friend...ever. Recognize your mistakes, but do not let them hold you captive! Find things and people that will benefit your mission for yourself this year and don't loose sight of your goal! I pray that through this year, if you return to my blog, or if you know me in person, that my inspirations will become yours as well.

As I've said numerous times before, I am not perfect, and will never claim to be, nor am I better than anyone else, but I do have convictions, passions, and opinions that I hold true, and I'm not the least bit afraid to express them. I had many lows this year and will probably have many in this next one, but overall, I can say this past one was pretty darn great and I can almost guarantee that this next one will be too! Life is what you make of it and you can turn ANY (yes I mean any) situation into a good one if you look hard enough. I'm not saying that everything, in and of itself, is good...not at all...But if you can find some way to speak life into someone else's because you relate to them somehow or you can minister to someone because you have felt similar pain, than you have turned it around for good, and that is one of the best things you can ever do! your weakness He is strong, and He will be glorified if you step back and let Him shine for you. One of the biggest cries of my heart is that you all would see Him before you see me, and above all else, that you remember about me, when I'm gone, is that I loved Jesus with my whole heart!

I think I'll end this post now, even though I kind of feel like it's slightly a mess...however, I felt a quiet nudge to write every single word, so I hope that it speaks to you somehow...whoever you may be.

I pray you all have a Merry and blessed Christmas!
Until Next Time!


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