Good Enough

Hey Everyone,

So, who, reading this, has ever felt not good enough for someone; whether it be a parent, a friend, a significant other, or God? Well, if you answer no to that question, I'm pretty sure you're lying, because, I think, this a universal feeling, no matter what your story is. No matter how confident you are, and how great your relationships are with those around you, it's completely normal to not feel good enough from time to time.

Have you seen Empire? It's an INCREDIBLE show filled with drama, stunning talent, and some laughs too, centered around a recording studio and it's owners' family. One of the main characters, Jamal (Jussie Smollett), is gay, and in his father's eyes,that's a huge crime. Because of this, Jamal is verbally and physically abused, and ends up writing the song "Good Enough" as a cry to his father.

I can relate the song to many people in my own life, and it's become one of my all time favorites; however, in belting it out in my car the other day, it made me beyond grateful that I don't have to be good enough for God. No matter what you do, you just have to come as you are to God and He will accept you for who you are. He is the Alpha and Omega, Jehovah, I Am, Creater of this whole big, beautiful Universe and He does NOT need us, but He chooses to use us anyways! Isn't that comforting and kind of overwhelming? I find it mostly comforting, especially lately, when I've felt not good enough for certain people.

Christ died so we could experience the kind of life He wanted for us and so that we could be a recipient of His AMAZING grace!! Isn't that SO AWESOME?! He sees you and I as worth more than gold and wants to shower us with blessings, if we just choose to take up the cross and follow Him! He doesn't promise an easy road, but He does promise to bless us, and if you choose to look, you can find His blessings in everything around you!

Whenever I feel not good enough, I not only remind myself that no matter what, God still wants me, but that those around me who want me to change into something I'm not, to win their approval, aren't worth my time and not worth my tears. It's ok, to acknowledge your feelings, and it's certainly ok to cry, but please don't let others actions and feelings dictate yours, you're worth more than that!

Jesus loves you and He's got this!
Until Next Time!


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