Got Paper...I Got Jesus BABY!!!

Hey All,

So I know I've posted several times based on Lecrae's song lyrics, but hey, he's my favorite artist and so I'm about to do it again. His song "Got Paper" has been an anthem of mine for some time now, and since this subject is one that comes up in my life often, I figured it's about time I blogged about it too.

I do not make a lot of money, even between two jobs,  and working almost every single day. This, however, doesn't bother me like some say it should, and for that I'm grateful! God has allowed me to make enough to pay my bills and to have enough money, also, to buy some fun things, as well, so I don't go completely crazy! I understand I could save every penny I have that doesn't go towards bills, but what's the fun in that, and what good would that do me? I get emergencies come up, and eventually, I'll probably have kids, a husband and it won't just be me who I'll be budgeting my money for, but that's WHY I need to spend some on me now!... I, also, buy things for other people and give money to ministries, but that I would do, no matter how much money I made.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying max out all your credit cards and spend all your money, because life is short, but I am saying, don't stress about money because in the end it's not coming with us. When Jesus was on this Earth, He didn't have a lot of material things, He was broke and He was homeless; which doesn't mean we, as Christians, should sell our homes and live on the streets, to follow His example, but my point is, is that we can live fulfilling lives and not be "well off."

I've been told, numerous times, that because I'm not in college, or don't make that much money, that I'm not making anything of myself, but that's fine with me! In reality, I don't make much of myself anyways, I'm here to make much of Jesus, and although money is important to an extent, that's all it's good for. There are not banks beyond earth, there isn't a promise that if we are rich on Earth that we will be better off in Heaven....MONEY IS JUST PAPER!

My JOY is found in JESUS, my HOPE is found in CHRIST, and my PEACE is found in the FATHER!!!....He WILL provide for me and He has so many times. We are not promised tomorrow and if I were to die today I'd be leaving behind not much in material things or in money, but I pray that what I've written on this blog and how I've interacted with those around me, that I will have left something special...something for others to learn from....I hope that in me, you all see Jesus!

Money is necessary, but it shouldn't determine how you live your life. It, like most anything, only has as much power as you allow it to have, and if you let it, it can suck the life right out of you. However, if you choose to see it for what it truly is, you can live with peace!

There was more I was going to write about this a few days ago, but I'm drawing a blank so I might just have to add to this later.

Until Next Time!


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