What We Put in Will Become Who We Are

Hey All,

So I'm still in a rough season, however, in the last couple months I've restarted doing my Jesus time almost first thing, and making sure I do it everyday. This may not seem like that big of a deal to some, but especially in a tough season of life it is SO important! I think that it is important in both the mountain and valley times of our lives, but it is crucial in those valley times so we can be filled with His peace instead of anxiety as well as get clarity and learn what He wants us to.

Not only have I been doing my daily Jesus time while listening to Air1, I have, also, been watching a sermon or two a week, and just read (Un) qualified by Steven Furtick which is one of the best books I've EVER read! I've been "going" to Elevation for a couple of years now and I can't speak highly enough about the ministry that this church family is in my life! God has spoken to me during each sermon and song to the point of tears most weeks! Last weeks message in particular hit me hard, because it was about the peace we have access to, but often forget about, and it spoke to my anxious heart and soul. I'd encourage you all to go take a listen when you can take an hour out of your schedule to do so.

Above is a picture of my full length mirror that I put some things that God has been teaching me on it, so I could see it to start my day. I've, also, been putting reminders on my phone that go off throughout the day, of some of the above, and some other sayings to remind me of where my focus should be. Our souls are the same as our bodies, in the fact that what we feed it, will become who we are. It is hard, as humans, to constantly be positive, cheerful, and anxiety free...and that is not what this journey is about; but the more we fix our focus on Christ, the more He will shine outwards instead of our own sinful nature. It is okay to not be okay, but we can't let our circumstances determine our joy and our stress level. If we wait until everything is all perfect to be happy and worry free, we will  be constantly be searching for peace and happiness.

I encourage all of you to examine what you are feeding your soul...is it things of this world, or things of Heaven? Are they things that are temporary or things that are eternal? Are they things of the flesh or things of Christ? We are not perfect, and we fail, but our failures lead to strengths if we chose to learn from them and not wallow in them. Often times when we are going through the hardest stuff that is what He will ultimately use to draw us closer to the cross, if we chose to focus on Him and not just what we can see with our eyes. That is when faith comes in.

I don't have it all figured out and I still have yet to fully figure out what He has to teach me during this time I'm in, but I chose to fix my eyes on Jesus and seek what He wants me to learn rather than drown in self pity. I still have days that I struggle, but as long as for every time I fall down, I chose to get back up and refocus on the ultimate Healer, Prince of Peace, and Best Friend, I will continue to become who He wants me to be.

I hope that no matter what you are going through that you can find His peace in the midst of the darkness. He is with you and will pick you up and help straighten your crown if you just call on Him. You are royalty if you've accepted His righteousness and He wants nothing, but the best for you, as His child.

Until Next Time,


  1. Love this! &really needed to hear it. Do you have any recommendations for finding the motivation to get into the Word daily?

  2. While I know I answered this in a private message, incase anyone else sees this, I'm going to, also, reply here. :)
    I would first suggest, that you don't just get back into it when you're struggling (not that, that is bad, but if we just call on Him when we are struggling we won't get what we are meant to out of our relationship with Him). Just like our physical friends, if we just message them when we need something from them, that isn't a true friendship...while as a adults it can be hard to keep connected we, need to check up on our friends whether we need something from them or not. :) To answer the above question though, I'd say mixing up the version of the Bible you use can be a big help, as you can gain different perspectives of the same stories we have heard over and over again. Personally, I've been using The Message version lately. Also, a big thing for me, is a prayer journal. Whether you write just a few sentences each day or a few pages, it helps get you to slow down for a couple minutes and just focus on Jesus and you...plus going back and rereading old entries can really help remind you how far you've come, as well as how He answered certain prayers. Listening to Christ centered music as you do your quiet time, also, can keep your focus on Him and all He has done in your life. I, personally, listen to Air1 every morning. Lastly, I'd say don't put it off until the end of the day, because often times when we do that, we put things off for days because we are too tired, etc. It doesn't have to be a long quiet time, but if you just read a verse or two and write a few sentences in a prayer journal (or just intentionally pray), it'll change your perspective on the whole day! If it helps, get a yearly devotional that has both Bible verses, and a short message each day.
    I'm glad that what God has been teaching me was an encouragement to you, and I hope that you are able to get something out of my answer that is helpful to you as well! :)


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