And He Denied Him Three Times

Hello All,

Have you ever read the Bible and thought, "How can they deny that is God, it's so obvious?" or "How can they do that, when they just had an encounter with God Himself?" I know I have, but lately, I've come to the realization that they are just humans, as I am and if I was in their shoes I might've done the same thing. This may seem like something that is obvious, but it is so easy to judge from the outside looking in, when in reality we can't fully understand what is going on without being in the situation ourselves. Even if we have been in similar situations, we have not walked their entire lives so we don't know fully why they react a certain way. It can be easy to assume we would react a differently if we were in their  shoes, but without being them, we can never know for sure.

Today I read the story of the Passover and of when Jesus was betrayed by Judas. (Luke 22) Though what struck me most wasn't that He was betrayed by someone who had been with him from the beginning of His ministry, but how Peter denied knowing Him three times, even though he swore he would never do such a thing. It got me thinking how have I done the same thing...maybe not actually saying I don't know Jesus, and He isn't a part of my life, but denying Him by omission. How often have you had an opportunity to speak out about your faith, but didn't because you didn't want to get judged for your belief? How often have you heard people talk about how Christians are foolish for believing in a God they can't see, and you didn't share your testimony? How often have you seen someone being mistreated and didn't stick up for them? etc. To deny Him isn't just to blatantly say "I do not believe in Jesus" or some variation of that, denying Him is not sharing what You've been witness to when you feel prompted...or not asking if you can pray for someone when you know you should.

I know that I could be so much better at the above, as sad as it is to say that. I may share sermons on Facebook weekly, write on this blog, and have bumper stickers of Air1 and my church, but there is so much I can and should be doing. He was spat on, and tortured so I could be a part of His life, and so the risk of people judging me or making fun of me, for my beliefs is but a small sacrifice. What can you do today, to be more open and apparent about Who you believe in and why? It isn't just a matter of those around you knowing you're a Christian, it is more of them know WHY you are. If we just tell someone we are saved and don't explain all the miracles we have witnessed and why we believe in a God we can't see with our naked eye, than why would they want to change their lives around? I'm the type of person who needs to know how things work and why before I decide to change my diet, take a medicine that isn't commonly known, etc...and so if I weren't saved by grace, I know for sure I'd need to hear someone's why before I just took a leap of faith.

Even among fellow believers I think we should be sharing our testimony, so that our faith can be strengthened as well as we can be a witness to His greatness. I know that I will still fail in this area, as I am just human, but I have a new resolve to be more outspoken about Who I believe in and why. There are so many things in my life that have happened that I know for a fact is because of Yeshua and none other. I encourage all of you to take a look at your lives and who is in it that doesn't share your belief and how you can do better at spreading His Truth. I'm not saying shove your beliefs down their throat as that will get you nowhere, and more than likely push them away from Christ...However, I am saying be intentional about giving God the credit He deserves everyday with how you live and what you say.

I hope that you are all having a blessed Sunday and that when you come to the altar today, that you find His peace, strength, and wisdom.

Until Next Time!


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