
Showing posts from May, 2014

Empty Faith

Hi Everyone, So who has seen the show Once Upon a Time? Well if you haven't, that's fine, you should be able to still grasp my point. I've been watching a lot of this show recently as I had three seasons to watch in a matter of weeks, since I don't watch much of anything once summer starts and I move into camp on the first of June! Currently, I'm three episodes away from the season three finale! For those of you who don't know what it is, it's a show combining fairy tale characters into an epic twist on stories we know so well and the modern's very addicting! In this show, because they are people from fairy tales, they are constantly say, "have faith," "I believe," "you just have to have hope," etc. I don't have anything against the show or going to bash it in anyway (I mean if I thought it was a bad show I wouldn't have watched a season a week haha!), nor do I expect them to be saying these things with G...

Back to Jesus

Hey, So, Mandisa's song Back to You has been playing in my head a lot lately so I figured I'd share it with you guys. God has really been trying to drill into me that worrying will get me no where and that I just need to trust Him to take care of me. I can't not tell you how many times this subject has been the focus of "random" conversations I've overheard or been apart of, someone's FB status, or a song on Air1 , He really knows how to grab our attention! It's, also, been mentioned the last two Sundays at church and the song that we sang last week, that I hadn't heard before, Great Are You Lord , by All Sons and Daughters was along the lines as well! God is SO good!! I've been applying to lunch lady jobs for the Fall, as I need something in addition to camp, and the whole waiting process has been difficult along with knowing all the bills I have from surgery along with car stuff coming up as my birthday is in June. Through it all, there ...

Love Me For Me

Hi Everyone, Do any of you like Cher Lloyd? I LOVE her music! She's got such an attitude yet at the same time can sing beautiful, ballad like songs as well. Her song Love Me For Me has been something I've been playing on repeat the last few well as her songs Oath and End Up Here . Love Me For Me and Oath are kind of opposites of each other and I'm pretty sure that we've all been on both sides at one point in our lives. I've been incredibly blessed to have had a close friend or two through each part in my life, but for whatever reason I've, also, lost quite a few. It can't help, but make me feel like there's something wrong with me even though looking back on the friends I've lost, I can't come up with, but a handful of times I could've done something different. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I'm perfect by any means, but in general I'd consider myself a good friend and honestly, sometimes too good of friend whi...

Worry or Whatever

Hi, So the last couple of days I've been listening to Hot Chelle Rae's album, Whatever a lot because it sounds like summer and it's just a fun album! On my walk today, I ended up listening to the title track a few times in a row and it got me thinking about how we need a balance in our lives of caring about things/worrying and letting things go/living with a whatever attitude. For me, personally, it all depends on the situation, but in general I'd like to think I live a "whatever" life. There's so much in life that I could worry about or let get me down, but I like to choose to let it go and let God and not let my circumstances determine my mood should be based on the reality that my God is in control and that I'm blessed and therefore I have an unspeakable joy that isn't determined on what goes on around me or what gets said to me. Some adults in my life, or just people in general, may view this/me as being immature and rebellious becau...


Hey All, So this one is for the ladies....sorry if there are any men who read this blog, but deal with it. ;P haha! A lot of you may have no clue what the word Hephzibah means and that's alright, I didn't til I heard Beckah Shae's song with this title, years ago. It literally means, "My delight is in her," and was used in terms of speaking to Isreal as a whole (Isiah 62:4) , but was, also, the name of King Hezekiah's wife (2 Kings 21:1). It doesn't just mean to delight in, however, it's, also, is "the protected one." Isn't that such a beautiful name? It brings a smile to my face, I'd like to think that my Father would use this word for me...I want Him to delight in me and I need His protection because on my own I'm lost. He loves us and He made us in His imagine, we are BEAUTIFUL to Him all on our own. In this world we live in, so much attention and focus is on being "perfect", but did you know that's that's lit...

Give Me Faith

Hey Blog Readers, So it's 11pm currently and I've been awake since 5:50 this morning when I woke up freaking out cuz I thought I had missed my alarm, all to realize it was Monday and I'm off and although I slept some after that it was restless sleep. haha! Oh well, I had a productive day of paying bills, reading some, catching up FB, and am almost done with the final season of Private Practice....not as productive as it could've been I suppose, but I'm off and for a day at home, I think it wasn't poorly spent. Paying bills isn't a fun thing to do, but it made it grateful to have the money to pay the people I owe and not only that I have a job that I love, but one that I dreadfully miss when I'm not there! Tonight as I was watching Private Practice, God told me that I needed to listen to the song Give Me Faith by Elevation Worship, that I needed to post it on FB and, also, needed to write a blog post. I had no idea what I'd be blogging about and so f...

Beutiful Scars

Hello, So when you hear the word scar or scars does it bring to mind negative or positive? Do you think in terms of physical or emotional? Or both? For me, scars are a good thing...though they can be "ugly", they are proof that I survived something...that I am human and that I'm not perfect. When I was talking to my surgeon before I had surgery he asked if I was the type to be bothered by scars because I was going to have four of them...and he was surprised, when I said I could care less about the scars no matter how big or small. I have many scars, physically and emotionally and although some bring back painful memories if I think about how I got them that's a part of life and God has a purpose for every trial and tribulation I face so what do I have to be ashamed of.? Either we can let what tries to break us mold us and shape us into something stronger or we can let it win and defeat us. I choose to try my best of look at everything God sends my way as a lesson to b...