You'll Never Walk Alone

Hey All,

Does any else feel lonely sometimes even when they're with other people, or is it just me? I know God, has perfect timing and when it's my time for a boyfriend/husband it'll happen, but man, sometimes I end up wondering what's wrong with me? Girls younger than me have boyfriends and here I am, with my chocolate, my Bible, and Netflix, wondering where my prince is at. My heart, body, and soul long to be the center of some guy's world, for him to want nothing more than to come home to me after work and to live life with me; well of course I want God to come first before that, but you know what I mean, right? Love songs, movies, and novels all paint this perfect picture and although I know God is writing my "perfect" love story the last month or so it's been tough for me. I don't need a guy to complete me, God does that, but I still dream of the day when I'll be someone's other half. I think my loneliness, is partly, also, due to me having a lot more energy yet not having a lot of money to go do things or have people around to do stuff with. I can't wait for summer when I can work six days a week and spend my days off with someone, going places or just hanging work gives me purpose and makes me feel needed and wanted. Next Fall I'll be more than likely living a lone and that thought has, also, made me wish more that I had a guy in my life who could help make that easier and who I could spend my time off with...not that I'll have much of that, as more than likely I'll be working 7 day weeks besides December, but still.

I know God is with me literally 24/7 and therefore I'm not really alone...ever...nor will I ever be, but because I'm human, and because He created us to need human love too I know He gets it and understands. I just wish I could shake this...there are some days (i.e. Easter a few days ago) that I can go all day feeling my normal amount of joy and don't feel at all lonely, but since last night, it's come over me again, and so since I've been meaning to blog I figured this was a good subject.

I'm sure you guys think I'm pathetic and maybe are sick of my posts about how down I am, but since writing out my feelings helps me sort them out and often helps me feel better I figured I'd write this post for me, and if it helped someone else feel less alone than glory to God! Amen? haha!

In my case, there is a guy I'm very much interested in, but he's not ready for a serious relationship and I don't know for sure he's into me; for all I know I, and everyone else is reading him wrong. He's a man of few words which has it's benefits since I tend to just speak my mind and sometimes over share with him, but frustrating when I wish I knew what/how he feels about me or if he sees this going anywhere then what it is Then, there's another guy that no matter what, I'll forever have a crush on (we all have those, right, it's not just me?), who is great at expressing his feelings/what he's thinking, but he's not wanting a relationship right now and even if he did, then I'd have to choose him or the guy who is my best friend yet just shows me he cares, but doesn't actually say it...and I need both...not to be picky or anything, but I know myself, I couldn't live with one or the other for life. I always thought it'd be easier to know a guy likes me back that I actually would date, but it's not....why can't life just be simple sometimes?!

I know this world is tough and even if you have a boyfriend/husband/girlfriend/wife you still will get lonely sometimes and that's normal, but it's important that we remember that we are NOT alone. God is with us and He will get us through the valley times so that we can better appreciate the view from the mountain tops. :) I'm trying and God will get me through this, I know He will, but still, even though I'm not alone I feel alone and it's not easy.

Alright, I'll stop my half ranting/trying to stay positive through the pain, post so I don't bore you guys too much.

Until Next Time!


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