Modesty...What's the Big Deal Anyways?

Hi All,

So I know that I keep saying this, but I'm sorry I haven't been blogging very much lately. If you've ever been in so much pain it sucks all the energy out of you even before you get out of bed you might understand; but now I'm happy to say I've had the surgery and feel MUCH better! Still a tiny bit sore around the largest incision and a little bit more tired than "normal," but nothing to complain about.

Anyways the subject of modesty is something that's been on my mind the last few weeks, so I figured I'd share a few thoughts. Now I won't be telling you what you can and what you can't wear, but I just wanted to put a few of my ideas out there. I had a whole blog post in my head a few weeks ago, but after working all that weekend I forgot most of it and haven't felt up to finishing this post since. I don't remember how I was going to phrase everything, so hopefully I can make this make sense. :)

So first of all, I grew up with two "extremes" and have known enough people in my almost 20 years to see and hear many different angles and arguments on this subject. When I was younger I wore pants, shorts (though not too short lol), "normal" one piece bathing suits, and dresses on occasion and then when I was 8 or 9 I started wearing dresses all the time, no shorts except for pajamas, custom made dress styled bathing suits, pants only for certain cases where a dress would be inappropriate etc. While I don't have a huge problem with either of these options, I dress differently now that I'm on my own. I wear a "normal" bathing suit, shorts, pants, shirts that some could consider too tight or too low, but that I'm comfortable in, and dresses that could be considered too short, but again I'm comfortable in so I don't see a problem, etc.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying, if you're comfortable wear it, it doesn't matter if you are wearing only a string, if it makes you comfortable it's ok, but I'm certainly more in that direction than cover every inch of yourself, only your husband should see your body. If you are either of these extremes I'm not bashing you, so please don't take it that way I'm just trying to lay out my opinion, of which you can agree or disagree. In my mind, it starts with the heart and your intentions, before it becomes about anything else. If your goal in dressing the way you dress is just to gain attention, then to me it's wrong no matter how covered up you are. I don't dress purely to draw attention to myself and I don't want guys liking me just for how my outward appearance, but if I feel good about how I look then in the end I feel more confident and more "myself". I don't think looks are everything by any means, but I don't think the question is whether it's ok to wear a skirt two inches below your knee or three. It frustrates me when modesty becomes more about the inches of clothing or how much of you isn't showing when our hearts and who we are, is most important.

People choose to dress a certain way  normally because they were taught that another way of dressing is wrong or we feel that the way we dress is how God would want us to. Now, kind of going along with my last post, it annoys me when people get so caught up in details that really don't matter and forget the big picture. In the Bible it doesn't give us specific instructions on how to dress so really, it's up to each of us to decide what we feel we should/shouldn't wear.

When I buy clothing, one thing I do to help me decide if it's modest is I ask myself some questions. For instances I ask myself if it's comfortable, if I were to have daughters would I let them wear it (that may seem silly to you, but it helps), if I only like it because it draws attention to a certain part of my body and if so, am I comfortable with people, particularly men, staring at it, will it draw too much attention to how I look rather than who I am etc. Just a few things to think about.

I had a lot more to say when I was all riled up about this subject about a month ago and probably could come up with more to say, now, if I really thought about it, but I think I'll just post this, the way it is rather than have it continue being in  the "drafts" folder. :) I hope you got something out of it even though it wasn't nearly as well written as normal.

Until Next Time!


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