Be The Reason

Be the reason someone smiles

Be the reason someone chooses to live another day

Be the reason someone chooses to question their belief that God doesn't exsist

Be the reason someone chooses to read the Bible for the first time

Be the reason someone's crappy day turns into a great one

Be the change you want to see in this world

Be the change you want to see in yourself

Be the change you want to see in your significant other

Be the change you want to see in your kids

Be the light God has called you to be, because you may be the only Bible some people read and the only Jesus they see today

Hey you guys,

So, today, if you can't tell, I'm a bit fired about the subject of being a better me...and encouraging you to be a better you. haha! I've been stuggling a lot lately with lonlieness, sleeplessness, migraines, small, but still annoying, panic attacks, etc. etc. and the thing that's gotten me through this is God, first of all, and secondly, trying each day to encourage at least one person.

The Bilble is, so, right when it says that "a joyful heart is good medicine" (Proverbs 17:22), because no matter what I'm going through, if I just try to make someone else happy, it always brightens my day.

I'm blessed to have some awesome friends who are there for me, no matter what. Friends who encourage me when I'm down, let me vent, and remind me of God's Truths. Sadly, that doesn't mean I still don't deal with depression, sometimes, or that I am always happy and excited about life...I wish that was the case, but it isn't.

Having less work this month, since camp is closed until New Year's Eve, has been really tough on me and my mood...not only becaus I miss the people and the place like crazy, but, also, because of the less income. I have two jobs, and the income I get from camp, pretty much pays the bills and my other job suppplies money for saving and for extra expenses; that said, this month, I only have my extra expenses/saving money coming in and it doesn't leave much wiggle room. Thankfully, since I was able to save some beforehand, I was able to put aside almost enough for both December and January's rent, but that's only about half my bills, and that doesn't include holiday spending that comes with this time of year. My point, in all of this, is while this has made me freak out a bit, I KNOW God will provide and today...and each day forward...I'm going to try even harder to remind myself how blessed I truly am.

My biggest wish is that I would shine so brightly for Him, that others would see Him, and not me, and I'm not just saying that to sound like a "good Christian" (those don't exist), it really is the desire of my heart. Wanting that, however, doesn't make me a saint, or make me a better person than anyone else, since all the good in me, is ALL Him!

Anyone who knows me, (even if it's just through social media/this blog) knows that I'm in-love with my job at camp and that it's a big part of my life.  The reason why this is the case is because I get the joy of serving others and making them happy, while being surrounded by fellow brothers and sisters in Chrst!...the fact that it isn't the highest paying job in the world, makes it more about serving and less about working, which I love!!

My point in all this, though, is not to complain about my money crunch this month, or to rave about my job, yet again, or even to tell you how down I've been lately, but instead to encourage you to shine bright for Him no matter your circumstances. No matter if you are in a great spot in your life, if you're in one of the worst times you've had yet, if you're just barely making it, or if you feel like all hope is lost, if you choose to make the most of your situation, I promise you, your life will change for the better. I'm not saying, if you are nice to someone else that automatically your life will be filled with rainbows and butterflies, but you will feel better about yourself and your perspective on life will change. No matter how bad you think you have it, someone, else, has it worse. No matter what you are going through, He is there, He sees you, He knows, and He will ALWAYS be there!!

So, make someone smile today; whether it be a friend, a stranger, or a family member, be the change you want to see this Sunday and every day that you have left.

Until Next Time!


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