How to Get a Man God's Way

Hey Everyone!

So I woke up this morning at 4am after falling asleep at 11 and not getting much sleep in between, but instead of tossing and turning, I ended up watching sermons on YouTube and came across Living the Word Church and his sermon series on dating. I have only watched the first one and will probably post something later on, about my thoughts on this matter (I know I kind of touched on it in my "Let's Talk About Weddings" post), but if I can remember later when I have the time, I have some more thoughts I'd like to share. For some reason the hyper link, function is refusing to work (I'll try to fix it later), so if you read this before it's fixed, just type in "How to Get a Man God's Way" in the YouTube search engine. It should be the top one, and if not, like I said, it's posted by Living the Word Church. Sorry about that!'s about an hour long, so make sure you have time to watch the whole thing. I greatly encourage you ladies (and men too) to take the time to watch it, no matter what your relationship status is, as I found what he has to say relevant and good things to be reminded of/ he's pretty funny, which is always a plus!

I hope you have a wonderful day!
Until Next Time!


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