
Showing posts from February, 2014

Diet, Cleanse, Whatever...

Hey Everyone, So, this new diet, cleanse, whatever you want to call it is going to be a huge adjustment as I said yesterday. I'm keeping a food log and so far today, I've eaten one fried egg with about a tablespoon of cheese, a banana, and am drinking my first 24 oz cup of Green Tea. Typically it would've been 3-4 eggs with butter, mushrooms, spinach, and cheese, 16 oz glass of V8 Fusion Pomegranate Blueberry juice (which I will still be drinking, but not as much since I'll be so full of  Green Tea I'll be practically living in the bathroom), and an orange. While my breakfast today wasn't terrible (though I've discovered I'm not into Green Tea to say the least), it definitely wasn't the same, nor as filling. I'm going to be eating more like 6 smaller meals a day instead of 3 big ones as much as possible and trying not to eat so close to when I go to bed. On top of my diet changes I'll be doing a foot detox (which I'm currently doing as ...

It Will Never Happen to Me

Hey Everyone! So this blog post finds me excited, a little upset, and a bit nervous. The excitement comes because I'm now embarking on a low-fat diet, while limiting a number of foods that aren't good for my liver and my apparent gallstones. I'm excited to see how doing this will effect how I feel in general and knowing that God will use this to strengthen me. I'm a little upset and nervous because being gluten free is hard enough let alone trying to live by more dietary restrictions. I know that I won't have to entirely give up the foods I love, just eat them in more of a moderation than I have been doing, taking more supplements, while also eating foods that are good for detoxing, but it's not something I was planning on doing so it'll take some adjustments. As humans, we know we're not, but sometimes we feel invincible and as if certain things (like sudden need to change your diet, cancer, etc.) will never happen to us. While I don't think it'...

Jesus > The World

Hi! So ever since I got that three day migraine last week that I mentioned in my last post, I've been feeling off; not depressed necessarily, but definitely not right. I had hardly any motivation and just wanted to curl up in bed and forget the world. This is un-like me as you probably have figured out from my normally enthusiastic posts (haha!), but nonetheless that's how I was feeling...just proof that I'm human I guess. However, today on my drive to an appointment, I was renewed of my love and enthusiastic feel for life! I had some extra time, as I had left early not knowing how traffic or the roads would be, and figured I'd take care of an errand I had to do instead of just sitting in the parking lot waiting, but instead, God, distinctly, whispered to my soul to continue driving and to sit and listen to Air1 til my appointment. I fought a little bit and thought, "I have the time now, why can't I just run in and get it over with," but He made it clear t...

Work, Sleep, Eat, Breathe

Hi Everyone, I'm sorry I've been MIA the last week or so, but a lot has been going on. I worked probably about 80 hours since I last wrote, and in between that, Valentine's Day Girl's Night happened as well as I had a three day migraine that reduced my functioning to sleeping and just feeling miserable (thank God for an understanding boss who gave me time off and didn't make me feel bad about it), and then once I got over that I worked some more!  Life is short, but boy can it feel loooong sometimes! Can I get an "Amen"?! I've been pretty tired in general lately (don't know why) and with all that happening the last few days, there have been moments where all I've wanted to do is sleep for 24 hours straight and wake up not tired...can't remember the last time I was actually not at least a little tired, so today I'm compromising and being lazy. I normally counteract my tiredness with optimism and coffee/Red Bull, however this week I'...

Everlasting God

Hey Everyone! Isn't it AMAZING to think that the King, Creator, Savior, and God of the WHOLE ENTIRE UNIVERSE has our best interests in mind? With that thought, how is it that we can be afraid, worried, or sad EVER!!'s because we are human and this world is corrupt with sin, however, if we try and focus on the truth that the Our GOD loves US and is our FRIEND as well as our SAVIOR, PROTECTOR, etc than we ALWAYS have a reason to be happy and ALWAYS have a reason to be positive and hopeful! He is the One who created EVERYTHING we can see and beyond, yet He takes the time EVERY day EVERY second to love on us! Isn't that SO cool?!?! We may not always be able to see Him at work or be able to "feel" Him, but we don't need "signs", all we need to do is go look in the mirror at ourselves and that's proof enough that He exists, that He cares, that He is alive NOT dead, and that He loves us! He woke you up this morning...He's giving you the breath ...


Hi! In this fast paced, ASAP, world we live in it's grown harder and harder to learn the art of waiting for something. Part of the joy in things, I've found, is actually the fact that I HAVE to wait for them! It's so much fun to count down the days, anticipate what it'll be like when whatever it is actually happens, etc. However, waiting can be a difficult task and no matter what you are waiting for we need to try and remember that life doesn't stop while we wait. Whether you're waiting for, results from a medical test, waiting to find out if you got accepted into the college you want, waiting to find out if you got the job you applied/interviewed for, waiting at the airport, waiting for your true love, whatever it is, it can be hard and often seems like one of the most difficult things we face in this world. When I was working at a high school, I often remember hearing kids complain about how long their food took to heat up in the microwave...I put up with it m...

How Can I Keep From Singing

Hey Everyone! I know the last post I wrote I was pretty down and angry, but now I'm happy to report I'm over it and filed with such a peace and joy I can't describe! I can't guarantee I won't let that particular situation get me down again, but I'm going to try really hard not to. Yesterday, for the most part, although I managed to still laugh and have fun, I was pretty bitter and tense which didn't feel good at all and ended up contributing to my neck killing me half way through the day. I haven't been to the chiropractor for some time so it wasn't just the tension and stress, but that was definitely a contributor. After dinner was mostly finished a lady from the group came in the kitchen looking for me. She told me that earlier in the day she had walked through the dinning room and God told her that there was someone in the kitchen who's neck was hurting and that she needed to go pray with the person and ask for healing. She apologized for not ...