Girl In A Country Song

Hey All,

This blog post has been in my head for weeks, but I just haven't found the time to write it until now.

The subject of women and men equality has been at the forefront of my thoughts a lot lately, and so, I figured it was high time, I got a few of my thoughts down. If you haven't noticed, there's a new trend going around in the music industry (and I'm sure others too, but music is my world so just go with it) about feeling good about yourself no matter your size. While this is good in and of itself, I don't agree with the way woman are going about doing it. There's Nicki's Anaconda, J-Lo's Booty, and Meghan's All About that Bass. Personally, I can't stand any of these songs (a shame, because, as the title suggests, Meghan's hit has got some pretty sick bass which sounds killer in my car) and hate it when people praise these woman on theses songs. I'm not saying they are bad people, I personally LOVE me some J-Lo, but I think theses songs aren't very uplifting or appropriate. While the heart behind it all, may be good and noble, however, putting other woman down to make yourself feel better, isn't the way to go about it. It makes me angry when ever I hear the "twig b&%*##@" line in All About that Bass...yes I'm skinny, but that isn't my fault (I swear I could eat a whole cow and still manage to loose weight, not gain it) and that doesn't make me a bad person! In all honesty, Maddie and Tae's Girl in Country Song makes me feel better about my body imagine than any of those other songs do.

We are called to LOVE one another and if you feel you have to put someone down to make yourself feel better that's NOT ok! God calls us to build eachother up not tear eachother down (1 Thessalonians 5:11) and although I'm not always the best at this, I'm getting better and, hey, no one's perfect! haha! When people do this, for me, it just shows how immature they are and how low their self esteem is, not how great they are for their confidence in themselves because if you were really confident in who you are, you wouldn't have to put others down to proove it.

Now you may be wondering what in the world this has got to do with women and men equailty and hang in there, I'm going to get to it

Lately, I've been dealing with a man in my life feeling like he has to "put me in my place" and who has been treating me like it is my duty, as a woman, to just do whatever he says and serve him rather than us being equals. He may not feel this way, but it's definitely coming across in his words and actions. Now, don't get me wrong, he is an AMAZING guy, and I'm partly to blame for letting him walk all over me, but at the same time, it's not right and has really got me thinking about this subject more. In my opinion, women and men should be treated as equals, for the most part, and that us ladies need to not make it so easy for men to objective and put us in "our place." It is NOT just them and it is NOT just us. We, as a whole, need to show respect for eachother and respect for ourselves, first, otherwise things just get messy.

I think men, when it comes to being in a relationship, should take the lead in major decisions and should be the head of the household, that said, he should, also, listen to his gf/wife and take her opinions into consideration no matter what. He should show her respect and appreicate her, otherwise she's just going to resent his leadership which shouldn't be the case. However, otherwise, I think men and women should be able to lead in group equaly and should be treated with the same respect and given equal authority. God created Eve second, but that doesn't mean He sees us as less value.

How can we expect men or other women to respect us and treat us equally if we put so much attention and time into our outward appearances and don't focus on what's really important, our souls and who we are as people on the inside? THAT'S what really matters, guys, and while the media tries to focus on our sizes and our tans (or lack of them) we need to shift our focus onto what counts. We are all here for a reason, and it's not so that we can glorify or shame our bodies or anyone elses. Yes, we need to take care of ourselves, and yes, it's ok to try and look pretty/handsome, but if all our time and energy is focused on that, we can't spend time doing what's really important in life; sharing the good news of His salvation with the world!

I know this post was kind of all over the place and I apologize...I've had almost a pot of coffee in the last hour and because this post has been jungling in my head for weeks, I've come up with a lot I've wanted to cram into this (there's a lot more I could say, but I'll save it for another day).

I hope you all have a beautiful weekend! If you are in New England, enjoy the beautiful colors out there, while you can, and make sure you eat/drink something pumkin flavored today! ;P

Until Next Time!


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