Brothers and Sisters In Christ
Hey Everyone, I realize it's almost February and I have yet to post this year...shame on me, I know...but in my defense, my laptop crashed and so I'm currently typing this on a PC, I'm borrowing, that's connected to my TV...I've got wires everywhere and the keyboard on my lap...quite the sight I'm sure! haha! Anyways...moving on... As Christians we are "related" to all other believers in the sense that we have all been adopted by Christ which is pretty amazing, if you ask me! As brothers and sisters in Christ we are called to encourage one another and call each other out on shortcomings, but the latter, I feel is often done in wrong and hurtful ways...and it's honestly, one of my biggest pet peeves. Some of you may think that it's probably only a pet peeve because I don't want to be convicted of my sin, but you couldn't be more wrong....sure, I'm human and sometimes I'm sure I get defensive over things that I shouldn't, but ...