
Showing posts from August, 2015

Except the Unexpected

Hey Everyone, So as I warned you all, I didn't post much at all this summer, except that once in the beginning of June, and since, my life has been a whirlwind. Summer camp, alone, can be crazy and drag in personal aspects of life, it can be pretty exhausting, but to say I love it would be an understatement. I pray your summer was filled with as much joy as mine was! There were many, many times where I felt like I couldn't go on, and God would just come and pick me up and give me such joy, peace, and strength, it could only be credited to Him alone! Just in the last eight hours, I found out I will be staying at camp a week longer, because my apartment won't be available until then, and that my second job wouldn't be taking me back on, even though I had been pretty much guaranteed a position starting next month. However, after the first few minutes of shock, God reminded me that it was all going to be okay, and it is! I have a job lined up, just need to call tomorrow and...